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iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3? - Printable Version

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iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3? - nellezieboo32 - 01-19-2013 11:58 PM

I am getting an upgrade from my Blackberry Torch, and I am debating on whether I want the iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S3.

I am familiar with both operating systems and wanted to know:

Which phone will least likely have damage if I were to drop it, (even with a case)? I'm fairly clumsy!
Which phone has a better battery life?
Which phone has better web surfing?
Which phone is best for accessing social apps? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...)
Which phone has better apps?
Which is an overall better phone?

Any information will be greatly appreciated!

- James - 01-20-2013 12:06 AM

samsung galaxy s3

it has gorilla glass,which is 3 times as strong as iphone glass!
battery life is about 8 hours continuous use on lowest brightness
web surfing is the ideal browser for everything
android has an app store with more apps then iphone !!!!!!!!!!
better apps thats for sure! Wink

email me and i will root it for free,or just email for more infoWink

- - MΘΘ™ - 01-20-2013 12:06 AM

I have the iPhone 5 so ill give you my input c:
I thought the galaxy would be better against drops, but web I looked up "drop tests" on YouTube it cracked earlier than the iPhone 5. But it really depends on how far you dropped it. The battery life on my phone is really good surprisingly considering its an iPhone. My old android used to lose 1 percent every minute. Instagram is really good on the 5, and so is Facebook. Web surfing is also easier to me. Overall the iPhone 5 has better quality apps and its a great phone. I would never switch to another phone now haha. You should get it c:

- ScσττRΛSC³ - 01-20-2013 12:06 AM

Which phone will least likely have damage if I were to drop it, (even with a case)? I'm fairly clumsy!
iPhone 5

Which phone has a better battery life?
iPhone 5

Which phone has better web surfing?
iPhone 5

Which phone is best for accessing social apps? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...)
iPhone 5

Which phone has better apps?
iPhone 5 (definitely)

Which is an overall better phone?
iPhone 5

It is the more powerful as well.


@James: Man like you are wrong about just about everything, if not everything. Let's see.

it has gorilla glass,which is 3 times as strong as iphone glass!
The iPhone 5 has that as well...

battery life is about 8 hours continuous use on lowest brightness
Android battery life is always worse than iOS'. Know this for a fact as my dad has this phone & already ordered replacement batteries.

web surfing is the ideal browser for everything
Web surfing is the act of browsing the internet. Its not a browser itself.

android has an app store with more apps then iphone !!!!!!!!!!
That's the biggest fault in your answer. The App Store has always had more apps than the Google Play store & still does to this day.

better apps thats for sure! Wink
That's also not true. Because Android is open, more crap apps end up there vs the App Store which is policed/monitored therefore allowing useful apps to enter & badly made, useless apps to never make it. As far as mobile developers its iOS 1st, then Android 2nd, so iOS gets the best 1st & Android gets them 2nd or maybe never.

- Jennifer - 01-20-2013 12:06 AM

I have the SIII and i love it!
I have never had an iphone before, but i have had many apple products. i know someone who has the iphone 5 and they say that the battery life still isn't that good. they couldn't even get theirs to last through the day. The SIII's is much better plus i have this battery saving app that really extends the life! i don't know if they have anything like that for the iphone. I would say the web surfing all depends on the carrier. I have sprint which kinda sucks, but if there's 4g its super fast! and if you don't want internet, you can download google chrome and use it. Social networking apps are great for the SIII. they never close randomly, which happens with my ipod touch every once in a while. I have dropped my phone many times, but there aren't any problems. I got this great case off amazon and it was only $5. It makes it a bit bulkier, but the back makes it harder to slip out of your hand. App wise, i'm not really sure. They both have a lot of the same apps. Apple has the app store and android has the google play store. So far i have found every app i wanted in the google play store. the music prices are the same as well. People would probably say the app store is better, because it most likely has more apps, but you can pretty much find everything you need with android. the screen is bigger too, which may make it seem huge at first but after the first week, i was used to it, plus its great for watching netflix! the first time i picked up my ipod touch, it felt like i was looking at the screen of my old nano! I don't think you could go wrong with either one, but i definitely recommend the SIII. Oh! and you can get the new software update! Android 4.1 jellybean is great!

- Bonnie - 01-20-2013 12:06 AM

iPhone 5