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Can I lie on my CV to get me a job? - Printable Version

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Can I lie on my CV to get me a job? - Andy - 01-20-2013 10:45 AM

I have no proper work experience and I have been looking for paid work for 3 years, I have had some unpaid work experience.

Im so down and depressed now that I think my life is going absolutely nowhere (I am 23). I think I am out of time to "get started".

Can I lie on my CV and say I have had 6 months experience working in a shop that closed down or something?

From 2008 (year when I left college) to 2010 I was in a touring band, made some money off it and I do have that on my CV as work exeperience but employers obviously see that as a hobby, not a job.

What the hell can I do to get a job?

I get rejected left right and center.

Also, before people say google yourself and delete your facebook - I dont have facebook, never have, and theres thousands of people with my name.

- jackie m - 01-20-2013 10:53 AM

It wont make any difference even if you do lie on your CV, I have a list of qualifications and years of work experience in admin/finance/retail and when I was unemployed for 11 months I applied for over 9000 jobs and got 3 interviews and the jobs always went to the person with the highest uni degree, there is over 2000 people applying for each job so they can pick the best, Good Luck

- luke j - 01-20-2013 10:53 AM

be creative you could have been teaching music privately when touring working for a business that happens to have closed down so no reference avalible been self employed as marketing adviser so exaggerate stretch the truth but dont lie .....keep it simple

- forex5x - 01-20-2013 10:53 AM

Use your unpaid work experience and list it as work.
This way you get credit for your work even though it was unpaid.

Also, if you get caught lying it can be cause for losing your job. Once you get a job you don't want to be worrying that you will be found out.

The way you write up your band experience may give you more points for the employer. Did you manage or oversee any people? Did you have any issues you resolved with the band? Did you drive? Did you help set up and break down? Did you do any marketing? Did you sell a CD while you were playing? So, recall what you did and make sure the good points from an employer's point of view are listed.

I would not suggest that you cheat but that you use your creativity to the best of your ability to get a job.

Best wishes.

- Freefromdrama - 01-20-2013 10:53 AM

The risk with lying on a CV specifically about a previous job that closed is that, personally know people who were asked, to furnish copies of the last 3 paystubs or other proof of employment. If you have a family friend or relative (not the same last name) would will stay they have their own business where you were administrative assistant i.e extensive email and phone inquiries from clients, resolution of client complaints, charge of inventory ???, distribution of mail, computer skills; Word, Excel, Lotus Notes etc. Good Luck!!