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Do you have more than one email account and facebook and myspace and twitter? - Printable Version

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Do you have more than one email account and facebook and myspace and twitter? - SBJR - 10-11-2012 07:03 PM

How could you be convinced to use a website that allows you to view and control all your email accounts, myspace, facebook and twitter from one place? Do you like this idea? Why?

- Willy Combs - 10-11-2012 07:11 PM

I'd never use it because it sounds like in order to use that service, you would have to reveal all your information to that company and that's too risky just for me to save a few extra seconds having to visit each site and log in. Why take the risk when it doesn't take very long in the first place to log on each one separately?

- Lindsay Cyrus - 10-11-2012 07:11 PM

Yes, I have 4 myspace's. and i think this would be really helpful. I dont know if you use AIM but there is a way to link two screennames, so they sign on and off at the same time ect. something like that wold be really helpful... so like if you click comments you can see comments from all of your myspace's at the same time.

>.< hope that helps