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How did lawsuit people find out, that facebook was tracking everything they do secretly? - Printable Version

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How did lawsuit people find out, that facebook was tracking everything they do secretly? - Dan Kor - 01-20-2013 12:04 PM

I have read that facebook take what you do, and post it so your friends can see.

Well Im always on facebook, and i never see any of my friends other internet activity, besides what they post.

So what exactly do they mean when facebook takes everything you do and publize it to your friends?

- Jonathan R - 01-20-2013 12:12 PM

I'm not sure about the validity of your question. I personally haven't heard anything about that. However, many sites such as Facebook have potential to track your web activity outside of facebook using what are called cookies. The cookies can report websites you visit, ads you click on, and the exact time and page you were on and in turn sell this information to marketing and advertising agencies. This information is primarily used to produce and place ads that are more relevant to you and have a higher chance of you clicking on them.

Ever notice that if you Google search a product, such as vacuum cleaners, most ads you see on any other website that uses Google Ads will show price comparisons and ads of vacuum cleaners? They target your key interests and use it to make money basically.

Still not sure what you're referring to, but this is my best guess.