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How can i increase my facebook page like? - Printable Version

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How can i increase my facebook page like? - Jishnu - 01-20-2013 01:21 PM please help me

- dsafjfdsal. - 01-20-2013 01:29 PM

Don't make hardcore edits. That'll make you more professional. Don't advertise on Facebook because it'll make you look desperate. Try going on deviantART and posting your things in there, and on communities. If you do a good job, people will most definitely try to like your page. Also, be an interesting person on social networking sites like tumblr or twitter. That will definitely increase your chances of getting some likes.

But really, getting likes on facebook is immature. Just try to impress people who truly appreciate your things.

But really, don't edit to much.

- John Hodges - 01-20-2013 01:29 PM

Hi friend,
I've seen your page it's very good. if want to promote your FB page to get more likes ur page so at first you will have to update ur page get more fan please do social sharing, FB page commenting, wall posting, FB Group discussion you can also do social bookmarking for your fb page.
Note :- Share your page on these social sites likes
Facebook, myspace, hi5, scribd, digg, stumbleupon, del.icio, folkd, Twitter, Tagged like that you can also use orkut for it.

- Somia_barbie - 01-20-2013 01:29 PM

Hey You can easy With thousand email
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