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twitter........................? - Printable Version

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twitter........................? - Helen - 10-11-2012 07:10 PM

how do you use it?

i know how to see people statuses

but how do u see what other people write 2 people Confused

- Daz Owen - 10-11-2012 07:18 PM

You can't, it's all about posting status's.

- cameronissim... - 10-11-2012 07:18 PM

you only get 140 character to make you point so the word "THE" takes up three characters. Most folk use it to point people to stuff else where on the net. JACKSON DEAD and add a URL.....

Tv net works use it to direct people to stories but anyone can use it. if you want to make a point, write a blog then use twitter to point people too it Wink

just click on some ones name and a list of all their posts come up.... like i said what they have to say is limited to 140 characters and if a url is really long, they get to say even less....

- kkluvsninjas - 10-11-2012 07:18 PM

u can only see other peoples replies to ppl if they @ reply to them
for example

LakitKat @TheDannyNoriega hi

TheDannyNoriega @LaKitKat hallaw love

if u wanna see both sides, then follow both.

but thts the only way ppl can post replies and stuff publically

hoped tht helped(:

~La Kit Kat

- Natalia - 10-11-2012 07:18 PM

twitter is basically posting what you're doing. If great onece you get the hang of it.

To write to people you put @persons.username [space] and just type your message =)

Please follow me on twitter,

if you have further questions, be sure to send me a message. I'll be glad to answer any questions =)

- Robert H - 10-11-2012 07:18 PM

It's a cross between a blog and instant messaging and at last count has 500 applications to personalize the experience to get started goto