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Is this guy worth it? - Printable Version

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Is this guy worth it? - Curious Mind - 01-20-2013 06:13 PM

I told a guy over txt that I didn't have a twitter, Facebook or instagram and he never texted me ever again. He was the one who asked for my phone number. He initiated all conversation beforehand. But after telling him that I never heard from him again. I sounded like too much of a loser probably right? Is my dating life ruined because of this? I have personal reasons for not having them... I was bullied throughout middle school and high school and am trying to protect myself. Why did this happen to me? It's ********. I don't understand why he cut me off like that

- NavyBrat - 01-20-2013 06:21 PM

NEVER COMPROMISE YOU OWN TRUTHS FOR SOMEONE ELSE ! Please !!! Just be yourself - you are not a loser and you never have to explain yourself to anyone. He's just not good enough for you and its his loss. Anyone who loves you and wants a relationship with you, accepts you as you are ! And there really are guys out there who will do just that. Good luck hon !

- L is for Lonely - 01-20-2013 06:21 PM

No, now move on.

- marriedandamom - 01-20-2013 06:21 PM

It sounds like he lives his life through those foms of networking. You sound like you prefer REAL LIFE interaction Smile Just move on.