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On what grounds will Facebook remove your photos? - Printable Version

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On what grounds will Facebook remove your photos? - Saoirse11 - 01-20-2013 06:55 PM

A photographer I know is complaining that Facebook keeps removing his uploaded photos. He is talking about removing friends on the basis that someone on his list is reporting his images. What exactly are the rules in terms of what you can and cannot upload? I feel that maybe this person was justified and that perhaps some of his images are better saved for his personal website.
What is considered 'pornographic'? This guy posts photos of chicks that are naked but covering themselves with a bikini top or their hands.

- Larry - 01-20-2013 07:03 PM

EDIT: Well, since you mentioned that the women are naked, in a sense, that allows Facebook to delete the picture because, someone may have been offended. Facebook would rather have someone be un-offended and take the safe route.

These are the exact words that the site uses dealing with rights and responsibilities. These rules apply to what he can and cannot upload. Hope this helps:


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