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How do I get over my ex? - Printable Version

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How do I get over my ex? - Elicia - 01-20-2013 09:32 PM

Last month my boyfriend broke up with me. What can I do to get over him...?

- Yung - 01-20-2013 09:40 PM

cut off all contact avoid seeing him, his facebook...get rib of everything that remind u of him and keep urself busy

- Joelyn C - 01-20-2013 09:40 PM

keeping yourself busy is the most imp thing wether friends or family. if you are a loner, which i happen to be, dont feel guilty about immersing yourself in books, tv, internet. which i typically hate. even going out, forcing yourself to go out, to the store, to the movies alone. will make you feel a bit better and not so lonley/hurt. good luck.

- thegirlnextdoor - 01-20-2013 09:40 PM

Let me tell you what I did to get over him:
1- I was VERY SURE that I wanted to get over him.
2- His number got deleted, removed him from Facebook, unfollowed him on Twitter.. Blabla
3- I met a new guy.
4- Felt free to do whatever I wanted to do but couldn't because I was in a serious relationship.
5- Convinced myself that I'm better without him.
6- Made myself "prettier", so that we he looks at me in college, he would say to his friends "damn, I'm such a loser to have broken up with her" (It actually happened Wink )

Eventually, he came back to me. And you know what I did ? I told him to BURN IN HELL, OUR DAYS ARE OVER. (You don't have to say that, lol) AND! He still wants me. Awesome, right?

Good luck sweety Smile

- Yuki - 01-20-2013 09:40 PM

Throw away anything and everything you got from him. You will mentally cling into the past if you have these items around your house. Delete his number/facebook any other thing you may of contacted him with. I suggest you block him. ( also remove in photos you might have )

To keep your mind off him, you must use your mind to think about something else. Normally a hobby or something of the sort. ( I watch movies with subtitles, that way my mind is always reading words, so hard to think about a ex )

As long as you don't cling to the past/thoughts of him, time will heal your heart. Also, it's not that great to rush out and get a new guy, but going out with other guys will help you feel better about yourself, That you have many options and such.

- happybasketball483 - 01-20-2013 09:40 PM

You need to find distractions - hang out with friends, exercise, watch movies, something besides sulking around the house feeling bad about what happened.

You'll be ok sweetie Smile I wish you the best of luck!