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How to get semi-permanent black hair dye out of your hair QUICKLY?!? - Printable Version

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How to get semi-permanent black hair dye out of your hair QUICKLY?!? - Cat <3 - 01-21-2013 03:41 AM

I recently dyed my hair black and it looks okay but I want it out >.< here's what it looks like:

I really want to go back to my NATURAL hair color which is:

I dyed my hair black exactly 3 weeks ago... is there any way I can wash it out in a month? Or what is the soonest I can wash it out? I am planning on dying my hair my natural color, over the black to get that "pop", also Smile but AFTER the black fades...

- Sur La Mer - 01-21-2013 03:49 AM

Bad Hair Habit: Stripping Out Hair Dye
Smart hair care includes what not to do. If you have a change of heart after you dye your hair a dark shade, stripping out the color will open the cuticle so much that it won't lie as flat as before, says Kim Steckbeck, master stylist at Studio 21 hair salon in Woodstock, Ga. The result is hair damage with dry, brittle, frizzy tresses. "Black is the hardest to remove," she says. "It typically must be done with bleach. This leaves unwanted tones in the hair. Then, you must recolor to a desirable shade. This is very stressful on the hair."

You can do one of two things, to remove most of that dye.
1. By using Tide detergent with shampoo
Google "How to Remove Dye from Hair"


2. By shampooing you hair mix with a bit of Dawn.
Google "How to Use Dawn Dishwashing Liquid for Lightening Hair."

Here's an example what hair stripping will do to your hair.
It is worst than hair dyes, one from YA! "I accidentally dyed my hair this awful black, stripped it, and now it is this crunchy crispy mess!"

Hair strippers are chemical treatments which are intended to strip out artificial color pigment with less risk or damage to the hair. The chemicals used are called reducing agents.
Certain 'metal' strippers containing sodium sulphoites are sold for reducing hair dyed with metallic dyes, as these dyes react violently with tint stripper containing hydrogen peroxide-the subsequent reaction may cause so much heat that the hair gets dissolved.
Example: So i just put Colour B4 on my hair to try and remove my black dye so my hair it's natural colour which is dark blonde. so i've just dried my hair and there's still dark patches on it. and in some places it's gone ginger. i have garnier pre lightener. should i use it? there's no way my hair could look worse than it is now lol.
Another example:
Can you imagine this being done on YOU? Ex. of one:
"Sooo i do hair, i should know these things! I made a major OOPS in my hair color today. I picked a color close to my natural (as i had it lighter than natural before), I had dye it that color and it turned a magenta color; terrible!! So i washed and washed and washed with head and shoulders, worked but took about two weeks. Being that was still such a terrible color i picked up another shade similar to my natural (odd color, a mix between red, blonde and light brown). I dyed it this morning and well it was BRIGHT red, so i ran to the store and grabbed a light brown (i have done this before, a few years back and worked like a charm to neutralize the red and brown together). So i dyed my hair TWICE today and its a DARK DARK DARK reddish dark brown. It looks very unnatural and i hate it. I need to get rid of this asap, any fast suggestions?"

Another example from YA! "I've tried color oops and it hurt my hair and I just got it healthy. I used loreal color remover which is practically bleach and it's pinkish. I refuse to dye my hair any longer.... suggestions? ThNks."

Google & search for Hair Dye & Relaxers.
Google: Hair Dye FAQ's Are Hair Dyes Safe?

- Annahh - 01-21-2013 03:49 AM

color oops (:
sounds weird but...LOL its real i swear. cvs sells it.

- Miss 6 - 01-21-2013 03:49 AM

Semi hair dye washes out everytime you wash your hair. So just keep on washing your hair with a cheap shampoo like Sauve it should rinse out on its own.