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How do I use twitter? - Printable Version

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How do I use twitter? - Fearof-imperfection - 01-21-2013 04:53 AM

Im 15 year old girl and i just got twitter and like do i follow people like I friend people on facebook? like people i know or just my close friends? like and what the fuck do i tweet about?

- Shubham - 01-21-2013 05:01 AM

you should tweet about your day life events like i'm used to ....I was just like you ,when i was new to twitter .....i used to say "what the f*** is twitter" ,but now i used it daily and enjoy my tweets ......

you can follow me and if you follow .then i'll follow you too ......... (@shubh049)

- Bonnie - 01-21-2013 05:01 AM

Yes you can do it for the twitter is Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.Its aim is that ,and it's short enough for you to see more asap ,take your time ,all this you can do certainly.

- Shubham - 01-21-2013 05:01 AM

U should tweet about a exact topic, like if u r a belieber only tweet about JB but if u r normal tweet about your daily life and also set your header and background with unique images Big Grin
@aeyswaggyjustin <= follow me, i follow back