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Should I be allowed FaceBook? - Printable Version

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Should I be allowed FaceBook? - Ethan - 01-21-2013 05:56 AM

I'm 14 years old. All I want to use Facebook/ twitter/ any social networking site, is to talk to my friends from my old school because I went to a completely different school to all of them and I'd set all my stuff on to private and everything, is it worth it 'cause I heard everything that had gone on lately... what should I do?

- flower - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

create an account

- Nick - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

who is stopping you?

- Xavier - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

just create I'm just a year younger than u and i have 1 already

- Jackson - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

Well if you use it for contacting your friends and stay in touch then Ok.
But if you start playing those stupid games and stay on a computer all night and day, they you are not allowed and not wise to use facebook.

- Hayden - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

Facebook is a very dangerous website. Anything you post could end up on the Internet and cause serious problems. You should have a Facebook but be cautious on what personal pictures you post. I suggest only private messaging with your friends. (Not sure if you can send pictures through there because I don't have a fb but if you can do it that way keeping them private) setting all your pics to private is too complicated. To not have to set your pics to private then only friend your friends and no one unneeded. Hope this helps!

- Colin - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

Well the you have to be 13 years of age or older to get a Facebook account which you are. It is your choice if you want to get an account. If you do, make sure that you have good privacy settings and maybe ask your mom/ dad before setting up an account.

- William - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

According to Facebook's policy you must be at least 13 years old. You should talk to your parents about there reasons for not allowing you access to social media. However, asking them and not arguing will be hard to do. Hear them out, listen to their concerns and find out if there is anything that you can do to prove that you are responsible enough to handle social media. Ultimately it will be your parents decision. If they say no, wait a few months and try again. Good luck, but if you are permitted to join any of those sites, please keep it friendly and protect yourself from online predators by keeping all of your information completely private.

- shawn - 01-21-2013 06:04 AM

Yeah you should be allowed but if it is private and all you should be fine, check with your friends that it IS actually them by asking them what their first teacher was called or something before you get their numbers Incase they are not who they say. I wouldn't be worried Smile