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What do you think about this twitter followers site? - Printable Version

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What do you think about this twitter followers site? - Beatrice - 09-30-2012 11:14 AM

This site was recommended to me by a few twitter marketing specialists.
I want to monetize my tweets, so I need more audience, any of you know if this site really delivers in 24h?
I don't have more money to spend on twitter followers, so the 30$ sale is a perfect fit for my needs now.

- Smelly Cat - 09-30-2012 11:22 AM

Nothing looks more lame than someone who has a ton of followers, follows very few and has few tweets. It's a joke. It's also *really* obvious, and the folks who are looking at you to pay you will spot it in an instant and will pass you by.

When you buy followers (or website traffic) you are throwing money away. Why? Because the "followers" will be folks who are not interested in you or what you have to say: they will be folks in a 3rd world country who don't speak english doing a job for a half cent a tweet or some other low amount.

Any marketing specialist worth their salt will tell you it's not the quantity - it's the quality of your followers. You will be buying garbage.

- La Volpe - 09-30-2012 11:22 AM

I ordered once from these guys, the accounts were real and my twitter was not suspended.
For your budget I recommend, pretty fast delivery. Also they sent 12000+ for 30$, but about 400 drop off
Anyway, this a good choice to improve social credibility.

- palimole - 09-30-2012 11:22 AM

I use a website called twiends: you basically sign up then you have choices of either buying followers, , following people or referring people. When you follow someone you earn seeds from them, and vica versa when they follow you. You can decide how many seeds you want to offer per follow, and when you run out you remain on the list so people can still follow you if they like. its really good when i first made a twitter i was dedicated to getting followers and in a week i had over 800 but i ended up deleting it because i really never used it. I got back on tiwtter about 2months ago and as an updated count, I have about 6k followers, thanks to that website. you just have to put in time to get the results that you want...hopes this helps! Smile follow me on twitter and tweet for a follow back @Sativa_Indica