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Why Would a Guy Do This? Was this a coincidence or jealousy? - Printable Version

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Why Would a Guy Do This? Was this a coincidence or jealousy? - Jae - 01-21-2013 04:48 PM

A month ago I got a random facebook message from a guy I met in college. We exchanged numbers over fb and have been texting on and off ever since. (He even texted me once asking if I wanted to go to dinner with him, but I was too busy unfortunately since I own a small business.) When I see him randomly we’ll hug, and he’ll compliment my clothes and jewelry.

HOWEVER, for the past two weeks he’s been texting me first and when I’d respond he wouldn’t answer me. Then he’d text me many days later apologizing and claiming he was “feeling antisocial/tired/working, etc. But once when I checked his twitter, I saw that he had made plans to chat with a girl online after work. He texted me early the next morning apologizing about how he was SO tired after work, and went to bed right away, which wasn’t true.

He ignored my last text to him for 7 days (when he texted *me* first) BUT THEN, he texted me on Christmas morning at 8:00am apologizing for his late replies, claiming it was because of work/feeling anti-social. He wished me a merry Christmas, and I texted him back hours later and wished him a good one as well. On the 27th he texted me saying that we "had to discuss DJango. We HAVE to." Since both happened to see it on Christmas - separately. I chose to ignore his text for the 1st time ever. The next day he made a "Birthday Event" on Facebook, and invited me.
I didn't respond to it yet and don't plan to go. Today on my facebook I posted a picture of the late Christmas gift I received from a friend (female) in Alaska today - we been talking online for months. I wrote in the caption"from Alaska with love." Checked his Twitter account and saw that he uploaded a screenshot of himself and a girl he's apparently been skyping online lately. In the caption he wrote "After a wonderful skype session. #lovealwaysloser." (It was posted an hour after my facebook photo) Is this a coincidence or payback for my facebook photo to make me jealous? Or what?

If he liked me and misinterpreted the gift in the photo as being from a long distance boyfriend, and was jealous of it why didn't he show more interest in me before?

- Kel - 01-21-2013 04:56 PM

Who cares. He sounds like a total flake. Find someone who isn't an insecure, game playing head case. Right now you're just wasting YOUR time.

- Brady - 01-21-2013 04:56 PM

I dont think this guy is all that interested in you. I think his photo has little to do with you. I think he is just casually keeping you around.

When he asked you to hang out he was probably willing to start a relationship then. But when you turned him down because of your small buisness he saw you as someone who would be busy all the time. He probably thought you would not be good girlfriend material if he could never see you because of your buisness. So he moved his main priorities elsewhere but still is keeping some small contact with you incase his situation changes.

I know that sucks to hear. But im a guy. I can just tell what he is doing.