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I am writing a story/book, Is there any good websites to help? - Printable Version

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I am writing a story/book, Is there any good websites to help? - highactivity665 - 01-21-2013 10:09 PM

I have been writing for years and i have recently begun a book. I just want to find a good website for ideas and in the end maybe get published. I have been published before in books for poems but never for a book. I am 15 years old and the book is about romance and i just want it to get published when it is finished.
Also if you were a book reader what would you want to read in a romance with young people. And how would you like it to end?
How long would you expect it to be, chapters wise?
Help Me!!
I have already written 5 chapters and i know what to write it is just how to make it sound good!!

- David - 01-21-2013 10:17 PM

Okay, slow down. A self-published book of your poems does not mean you are ready to write and publish a novel. But the fact that you feel that you have to ask other people what to write, what they want in a book and how to publish means that even more.
You can't write anything until you know what you want to say, or at least have the confidence to start writing and discover for yourself what you want to say. You can't chase the market and hope to please others. You must write the story for yourself.
So for now, don't worry about chapter length or publication. If you're serious about writing, really serious, then cut out TV and social activities and make it your life. Write for one or two hours a day. Write a rough first draft of this story. Give yourself permission to write it out as a draft no-one but you will see. When that's done, then read it over and look to see what you're saying. Your next draft will be for others to read and critique.
Start at this site for the best articles on writing:
Nothing is better.

- lzr0 - 01-21-2013 10:17 PM

copy and paste this link into the main search bar