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What is so wrong with me? - Printable Version

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What is so wrong with me? - Curious Mind - 01-22-2013 01:00 AM

I told a guy over txt that I didn't have a twitter, Facebook or instagram and he never texted me ever again. He was the one who asked for my phone number. He initiated all conversation beforehand. But after telling him that I never heard from him again. I sounded like too much of a loser probably right? Is my dating life ruined because of this? I have personal reasons for not having them... I was bullied throughout middle school and high school and am trying to protect myself. Why did this happen to me? It's ********. I don't understand why he cut me off like that

- Michael - 01-22-2013 01:08 AM

maybe hes a douche bag and doesn't deserve you (culture is your enemy, live your way by your rules f$%# everyone else)

- Alaina - 01-22-2013 01:08 AM

he might have thought that you have no social life but in reality not all people have to have facebook, twitter etc and you have good reasons he probibly lost intrest because he couldnt look at your life on the internet like most people tend to do.

- Richu_Tobi - 01-22-2013 01:08 AM

Hey don't feel bad about yourself or your personal point of view because of some idiot!! Seriously there's nothing wrong with not being on a social network site, you should stick to what you want! If he decided to blank you purely because of that reason then you deserve someone totally better Smile

- david b - 01-22-2013 01:08 AM

Call me crazy, but if that is the criteria someone uses to decide if they want a relationship with you, you're better off without the looser.

Relationships are most meaningful when they are face to face and personal. I don't really think social media allows for much meaningful interaction in the first place. Just my opinion though.