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How could I get people to read my book? - Printable Version

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How could I get people to read my book? - Deadly Dancer - 01-22-2013 12:19 PM

It was published around May of this year. What is the best way to gain readers. It was written with direction to young adults. It is a fantasy. Its called At First Glance and is available at Barnsandnoble and Amazon. (where you can read what its about by the way) if you would like you could read the preview that is available on and give me feed back(Or buy it ;D) The ebook is only 3 bucks. What are your suggestions?

- -x-Jazzy-x- - 01-22-2013 12:27 PM

Do you have a website? Good advertising.

- the mexican L - 01-22-2013 12:27 PM

Wow if your actually publish, Bravo!! well it will be easy for you since it's at stores. I would say go to websites related to the subject and promote them. Or you can get create your own website and pay to people to find it. There's really a lot of ways. If i were in the same shoes i would go to different websites and promote it lol. Bydaway how old are you?

OH yeah i almost forgot. If it's ebook it should be very easy. We live in a society were technology is at it's best

- niceelbow385 - 01-22-2013 12:27 PM

Download Avast antivirus.
Get offer for 250 free business cards from vistaprint.
Go to events.
Hand them out.

- meat - 01-22-2013 12:27 PM

You need a facebook page, a twitter account, a goodreads account, and an hour a day to market it.

- lynk217 - 01-22-2013 12:27 PM

I am a newly published author as well of The True Natural. I am also in Barnes & Noble and Amazon. I am trying to get my book out there as well. It is a lot of work, but it has been the best experience. Nevertheless, here are my marketing strategies. hope these help.

Facebook and other social networks
Goodreads, Live Journal, or any other similar site
Build a website (I use weebly they have many different designs you can choose from and it is free)
Business cards
Book marks with name, a blurb, the link to buy the book, isbn number
Give-a-ways - signed books or gift bags with book marker, stickers, or anything to do with your book
Newspaper (they will usually do it for free. It is something you will have to ask)
Radio (samething with the newspaper)
Signings - ask a bookstore to host a book signing (I just did one at Barnes and Noble. They ordered the books for me)
Local clubs and organizations
Fairs and Carnivals (booth)
Local Festival
Have friends and family place reviews on Amazon
Put quotes on social sites
Do a contest about your book on social sites
Drop business cards with outgoing mail, with your tip at restaurants, etc
Carry your book or books with you
Book Clubs
Internet groups
Word of mouth to family and friends
Ask hospitals stores, airports stores, etc to carry books
Ask schools to do a book signing