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How do I block a certain web page on Google Chrome? - Printable Version

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How do I block a certain web page on Google Chrome? - Emily - 01-22-2013 12:22 PM

I wanna know how to block a twitter account. I know that there's a 'block @twittername' option, but then that person would know that I blocked her. I need other ways. How do I block, then? Not the twitter account, but the PAGE ITSELF. Does anyone get me? Is there an option for google chrome wherein I can just put the link to her twitter on there and it'll automatically be blocked by chrome so that whenever I type in the address, it won't open?

There's this girl who hates me for an incident that months ago, everyone's moved on but and her hatred for me kept growing and I just can't stop myself from looking at her twitter. Whenever I do, I get hurt and I literally cry because I don't like it when people talk bad about me, so the only way is for me to block her web page. Hopefully someone gets the question. Smile Thank you!
*There's this girl who hates me for an incident that HAPPENED months ago

- flischer - 01-22-2013 12:30 PM

c. It sounds like this is taking over your life. I just disactivated my facebook fb account because it was getting such nonsense stuff out of proportion. Yahoo is better for the soul than Twitter.