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Lack of sleep, Anxiety and Derealization? - Printable Version

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Lack of sleep, Anxiety and Derealization? - Megan - 01-22-2013 01:04 PM

I'm 16 and I know I've had a little bit of anxiety when I was little. When I was in the 3rd grade I went to a funeral for a kid that passed away at my school. Ever since then I've had a fear of death. It never really interfered with my daily life, only once a year or so I would start thinking and scare myself. I had more or less forgotten about it until that week when the world was supposed to end because for some reason I kept on thinking about what would happen.. I had a bit of an anxiety attack maybe a couple weeks before then but ever since that week, possibly starting on the 19th or 21st I've been getting an anxiety attack once or twice a day where I'll shiver/shake a lot, feel nauseous or dizzy, or have a headache. I'll either get it in the morning or at night or both. I have lost a great deal of sleep (not sure if this is a cause or an effect) and I'm starting to feel like my surroundings aren't real (derealization?), which makes my anxiety worse. Sometimes I feel like my body moves on its own, and that i'm just watching my life go by. My personality hasn't been effected and the only people noticing anything up with me are my parents, and I've told them how I feel. They brush me off and say its just all in my head and I really hope thats true. Most of the time I feel more comfortable laying in bed and watching shows on my laptop, or on my phone. Although being around people distracts me, now that everything feels surreal, it makes me uncomfortable.. I don't know whats happening, I don't know who to turn to and I just want to get back to normal.

Additional Information:
- I used to row and exercised a lot and haven't been all that active since it ended in June
- I spend excessive hours on my computer, watching videos, on Facebook, twitter, tumblr, but I've never been affected by it before.
- I always feel a bit off in the winter but never as bad as this.
- I do have bad sleeping habits because I can't relax at night, but again, I've never experienced something quite like this before
- I am a little emotional but only with reason
- I tend to over think things and sometimes its effects my grades in school by over thinking a homework/test question
-I feel left out often in social situations because I'm shy, I have been more outgoing the last couple years, but I also have has problems with close friends being cruel and hurting me.
- I hold in a lot of anger or sadness
-I don't like talking about my anxiety, or my fear of death because it makes it worse.

What is causing all of this? Who can I talk to about this? How do I go back to feeling normal again?
I appreciate you taking time to read my rant, and thanks in advance for answering my questions!

- dougztr - 01-22-2013 01:12 PM

If it is really bothering you and doesn't seem to be getting better, then make an appointment with a mental health specialist and tell them how it is. I don't think you have any severe problems from what you describe, but you very well may have some clinical depression going on and the occasional bit of anxiety.

A head doctor might try you on an antidepressant and see if it helps. And they do help if you have a brain chemical imbalance. Otherwise they don't do much. But give it a shot if this is interfering with your life.