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IPod Touch 5G vs. iPad Mini vs. iPad 2? - Printable Version

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IPod Touch 5G vs. iPad Mini vs. iPad 2? - Trevor - 01-22-2013 01:33 PM


So Christmas is coming soon and I have no clue what I want. I ideally would like 'The new iPad' (The iPad 3) but that's pretty expensive and I don't want my parents to spend a ton of money on me so I've got the decision between an iPod Touch 5G, an iPad mini and an iPad 2.

I would be using it for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube videos, watching movies and just browsing the web while in bed or on a car trip. I have an iPhone 4 now but the home button is really touchy so I just use it for messaging and calling and not much else (I need to put a lot of pressure on the home button for it to work). Also before you say I'm spoilt, I'm not. I've paid for almost everything in my room and I also give my parents board money each week (even though they try to decline it).

So which one should I get?
A few more things I forgot to mention;

- I will be getting the 32GB version of what ever one I choose
- Which is better spec-wise?
To Diana B

My iPhone is old, I brought it as soon as it came out. The home button doesn't work and there are some cracks in the screen. It's no longer under warranty and getting it fixed would cost around $200-250. Teenagers are attracted to new things, I bet you didn't decline your Christmas present when you were a teenager.

Also don't tell me to "give them the gift of maturity". For the past year nearly all my pay has gone to my parents so they could pay for my younger siblings education and food. I bet you can't say you did the same when you were 17. & now that my parents wages are stable and they're earning more then enough to provide for the family I'm doing charity work at the local homeless shelter. You can call me stupid all you want but this year I can finally enjoy Christmas. I have more then enough maturity and by the way you quickly judged me I would say that there's a chance that I may have more then you.
To Diana B

My iPhone is old, I brought it as soon as it came out. The home button doesn't work and there are some cracks in the screen. It's no longer under warranty and getting it fixed would cost around $200-250. Teenagers are attracted to new things, I bet you didn't decline your Christmas present when you were a teenager.

Also don't tell me to "give them the gift of maturity". For the past year nearly all my pay has gone to my parents so they could pay for my younger siblings education and food. I bet you can't say you did the same when you were 17. & now that my parents wages are stable and they're earning more then enough to provide for the family I'm doing charity work at the local homeless shelter. You can call me stupid all you want but this year I can finally enjoy Christmas. I have more then enough maturity and by the way you quickly judged me I would say that there's a chance that I may have more then you.

- Bad - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

For Social Media...... IPOD Touch 5g. best.

- PMamba - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

Well the newest iPad would actually be the "iPad with Retina Display", which is the 4th generation iPad (so essentially the iPad 4).

Out of those choices and based off of what you'd do with it, I'd go with iPad Mini probably.

By the way, call Apple about the home button if you have warranty still on it (or call them to check your warranty). And if that doesn't work out, you can also use "Assistive Touch" which puts a virtual Home button on the screen for you. To turn it on, just go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Assistive Touch and turn it to ON.

- Suprdud - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

iPad mini is a waste of time. Jeez dont even bother with that piece of poorly designed garbage.



iOS is meant for the ipod touch! its made for it! NOT for a tablet computer.

- Cameron - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

I have all of these except the iPad Mini and in my opinion the IPad 2 is the best as it has games and is a perfect size for watching movies on sky or on apps such as TV Catchup. its all up to your own preferences.

- R - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

iPad mini for sure, why? Because you already have a 4" screen on your iPhone 4. The iPad is really nice for watching your news feeds, facebook, watch a movie and surfing the web and you have just a couple inches more. So you really have the feeling of having a new gadget instead of a device similar to your iPhone 4, with even less options. So, in my opinion please go for the mini just because it can give you more functionality than the iPod Touch 5th Gen.

- Diana B - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

Let me get this straight. You bought an iPhone, it's now not working right, so instead of replacing it, you now want to go out and just get another expensive gadget you can live without made by the same people? That's not spoiled or spoilt, just plain stupid. Just because Christmas is coming doesn't mean you have to get some fancy new gadget. try giving your parents the gift of maturity and turning down expensive gifts in that price range.

- Justin - 01-22-2013 01:41 PM

The ipad mini is essentially the ipad 2 but smaller
and if its your media and not for music on the go, anndd you have an iphone, id highly recommend the ipad mini, even though im not a fan of it and i think the google nexus 7 is better than the ipad mini and its cheaper....if its for laying back and watching vids and what not, the ipad mini from your choices

BUUUuuttt......if your going for a tablet thats cheaper, if highly recommend the nexus 7 over the ipad mini and the ipad 2