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Is this weird for a teenage girl? - Printable Version

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Is this weird for a teenage girl? - bethany - 01-22-2013 01:47 PM

I'm sixteen and have been really into this one musician for a really long time (since I was about the age of eleven). Not so obsessed that I have posters of him all over my walls or that I talk about him every day (I, personally, think that posters look tacky and I only talk about him when it relates to conversation, so like once a month haha), but so much so that I shape every guy I've ever liked around him. I've never had a proper boyfriend, but every guy I've almost had a thing with has been like him. Now that I'm a little older, though, I'm starting to just be annoyed by him and all the guys I've ever liked. I don't really care about his posts on facebook or twitter any more and never mind his latest interviews. Everyone just seems so fake to me now. But, without having this crush on him to fall back on, I finally realize that I'm alone and the reason I had a thing for him was because I thought he was funny and he was damaged too. I feel really lost now, and I'm wondering if everything I like and don't like is because I actually like it or don't like it, or if it's because I've made myself like or dislike it because of him. Is this incredibly weird? I feel like it is. Am I a total freak? And, before people start telling me to get over 'Liam' or 'Justin' or whatever, he's not one of the really famous pop stars. So, please, give your opinions and advice! Ten points for best answer Smile
When I said that I "shape every guy I've ever liked around him", I didn't mean in a superficial way (at least, I don't think so). I mean his personality- he's funny and quirky and a little 'off'. Plus he's really intelligent when it comes to a lot of things. He reminds me a lot of myself and I haven't met anyone like me, so I guess I'm that deluded girl who feels like she has a connection with a celebrity because they have similar personalities :/

- RussianSoviet - 01-22-2013 01:55 PM


- Jellibeen - 01-22-2013 01:55 PM

No its not weird. :-). Go for him girl! What's to loose anyways? If it doesn't work out there's plenty of fish in the sea :-)

- Patrick - 01-22-2013 01:55 PM

Seems like you have become fixated with this person and your world is based around him. Maybe you need to broaden your interests and start to experience different things? It is pretty strange that you shape potential boyfriends around this character, which seems rather superficial. I understand how you feel when you say you've suddenly realised that you're alone, so maybe spend some more time with your friends? Stop following him on facebook/twitter. Have fun for a while, then worry about guys, one will come along. Hope this helps

- Boss - 01-22-2013 01:55 PM


I wouldn't say weird, maybe uncommon Smile It happens sometimes, when we're trying to figure out who we are. Sometimes it helps to look at what someone else does or says or doesn't do or say so that we can find ourselves. But if you don't pull away, yeah, it can feel like you were just remolding another 'them' in yourself. So you end up not knowing what you really like or what you stand for. Here's what I suggest: now that you're 'detached' look at those things that you think you like. How do you feel about them now? Do some of your 'interests' seem boring/unfullfilling? Look at those things you think you don't like, give them a second chance. Rate how you feel about them now. You are your own person and you don't need to look at someone else to figure out who that person is. I hope this helps Smile

- springen - 01-22-2013 01:55 PM

There seems strange.