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Youtube is becoming like Facebook, and Facebook is becoming like Twitter? - Printable Version

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Youtube is becoming like Facebook, and Facebook is becoming like Twitter? - windward - 01-22-2013 03:13 PM

Youtube keeps changing, and becoming less fun, in my opinion.

And some people are using Facebook like Twitter -- reporting every little thing that is happening to them every few minutes. There's a reason I avoid the whole Twitter thing.

I wish things would just stay the way they are. Stick with what works -- why it became popular it the first place. Is there anyone who agrees with me?

- Immortal Hero - 01-22-2013 03:21 PM

I've given up facebook, youtube, twitter....and everything else. The only thing I kept was linkedin for professional contacts after I graduate.

They all waste so much time anyway.

- dannyboy2111 - 01-22-2013 03:21 PM

All The Sites Seem to Be Copying Off of Each Other These Days Dont Know Why They Should all be Different