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How can I get over him??Please Help!? - Printable Version

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How can I get over him??Please Help!? - cass93 - 01-22-2013 03:24 PM

I have had a huge crush on this guy who was in one of my classes (we don't have that class anymore) for over a year (like he's all I can think about) He keeps tweeting sweet song lyrics like but I know they're not directed at me but definitely someone else. I really like him but I think it might be best to move on since his heart is with someone else. How can I stop thinking about him and get on with my life? Anyone got any tips? Thanks Smile

- Ali - 01-22-2013 03:32 PM

Listen to Taylor Swift music, (It helps,Trust me) And just find other cuter guys who you think are attractive and move on.

- Daisy - 01-22-2013 03:32 PM

if ur upset cry or if its on ur mind talk to a friend about it and just get it all out!
dont read his tweets, dont block him but try and get rid of everyday reminders at least until u know u have moved on
another way is to get out there and meet new people and many find someone else
be busy cause it stops u from having time to think about him
try not to get u down tho
hope this helps

- Eilís Ryan - 01-22-2013 03:32 PM

Well in all honesty, you've done the hardest thing already which is deciding that you want to get over him! Unfortunately its not as clear cut from here on out.

A general tip that is used for breakups more than anything but I have found really useful in the past is the 60 day rule.. Unfollow him on twitter, if you're friends with him on Facebook then either unfriend him (which can be a bit awkward) or just have him removed from your newsfeed. Basically, it means just have as minimal interation with him for 60 days.

I wish you all the best and I'm really sorry I couldn't offer anything else more substantial. It's a hard one to try and advise people on because the situation differs from person to person. Generally, if you have the mentality that you do want to move on and you truly do! Then it should all work out in the end!

- me - 01-22-2013 03:32 PM

Oh my god i had the exact thing. Best thing to do is get your self busy, go out with your friends etc. eventually it will blow over,trust me!!