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When is all that cool new E3 stuff for xbox actually coming to xbox? - Printable Version

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When is all that cool new E3 stuff for xbox actually coming to xbox? - Matt585 - 01-22-2013 03:33 PM

Like being able to go on facebook and twitter

And like.. the Natal camera and stuff.

- scary_puppy - 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

not any time soon maybe 2011

- Ron Burgundy - 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

Facebook? Twiiter? Those are gimmicks, I want a game console for games not gimmicks. The Natal camera, could be good but also could be like the Eye Toy for PS3 and do nothing, we shall see.

Metal Gear Solid Rising looks awesome.

- Alex - 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

they said face book, twitter and a couple other things would come out later this year in few months, and they said it would all be download able for FREE.........

- Walter S - 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

The facebook, twitter stuff will probably start being used by the end of the year. As for project natal most likely holiday 2010 they said it wont be out this year. There are plenty of the games coming out this fall though and some in "early" 2010. But you never know sometimes games, and stuff gets announced at E3 and doesn't come out for 3-5 years, look at alan wake, killzone2, etc they were announced years before they came out.

- burger - 01-22-2013 03:41 PM

It said on the marketplace video its coming this fall, i have no idea when that is. And to the people who say " i diddnt buy a xbox for gimmicks i bought it for games" WHO CARES! Some people may be able to get to facebook and twitter on a xbox much quicker than using a pc, like me for example we have a family pc. If you dont want to use it, dont, but i think these updates are a great step forward.