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Maybe he's just not that into me... should I give up? - Printable Version

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Maybe he's just not that into me... should I give up? - CRAZY - 01-22-2013 05:08 PM

I'm in college, 18 turning 19 next month. I've been talking/dating this guy ever since the end of October. We would spend a lot of time with each other, like going to the dining hall or somewhere to eat, or going to our school's arcade, and he'd initiate the plans 90% of the time. Sometimes we'd study together. He has introduced me to his friends, even his sister. Sometimes he'd prefer hanging with me than with his friends. Over break we've video chatted or talked on the phone. And every morning, he'd text me saying "good morning", and we'd talk all day. Always includes me in his future. We've talked about relationships before, and he did mention that he likes me and we're "talking". He seems genuine.
But then I'm very confused. He has a few female friends, which I don't mind, but sometimes they can be flirtatious with him. And whenever he talks about them, he just says "this girl" or "one of my friends" instead of saying names. He also still talks to this girl he dated before me. Twice on Twitter, he mentioned about the disappointment of the lack of "a certain type of girl" (won't say the type) in his town. When we used to hang out, he'd be on his phone or he'd always yawn (which I kinda understand, because he hardly got sleep at night). Or if he'd invite me over to his room and it's only us two, somehow we'd end up making out, and sometimes right after he'd get sleepy... but then he offers for me to sleep over his place.
So basically his actions say he likes me, but his words don't follow up, if that makes sense. I question this now because last night he was taking long to reply, I go on Twitter and he was replying to others. Advice?

- Amy - 01-22-2013 05:16 PM

Take a step back and wait for him to contact you and pursue. If he contacts you and makes the effort then this was a lapse, if he doesn't contact you, then you'll know if he's not into you.

- Merry - 01-22-2013 05:16 PM

Going on Twitter & replying to others does not mean he doesn't like you... my thoughts are that his words & actions say that he does like you (he texts you every morning to say "good morning"!!!)

BUT... I also think that as much as he might like you he is also keeping his options open. Try not to make it too easy for him .. the "somehow we'd end up making out"... truly is BS.. you don't just "somehow end up making out"... if you want more STOP "making out" & start being open, honest & upfront with him about what you want, deserve & need from him.... then (and only after having this conversation with him) you will know if he truly is into you or not!

- Ramon C - 01-22-2013 05:16 PM

What are you doing besides having a good time? Kids seem to think of being married when dating or just hanging. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE STUDYING. You do not own this boy and he does no own you. You are delusional as to this relationship. Date others. Sleep in your own bed. Stop this. It is just silly at this age to have a pretend husband. Stop. Focus on your classes.

- Ashish - 01-22-2013 05:16 PM

Agree with Amy here, let him take a step forth, see if he actually reciprocates. And yawning under any circumstance is just mean. Don't decide so soon if he is "genuine".
Might even be he's flirting with you. Just try to step back a bit, and see if he also takes the same effort. Making out isn't necessarily a sign of his being genuine about you, or even liking you.
So let him follow you, not the other way round.

- Annabelle - 01-22-2013 05:16 PM

His actions don't say he likes you. His actions say, "I'm cool with letting you make me feel good about myself without giving you more than the bare minimum in return." Sure, he's occasionally choosing you over his friends - but that's normal. Sometimes you'd rather hang out with Person A instead of Group/Person B, especially when Person A is being all nice to you and having PG13 sleep overs (that sounded mean, and I didn't mean for it to -- I just didn't want to imply you're doing X rated stuff, though frankly I wouldn't udge you if you were).

Bottom line? He says and does the things that'll keep you around and make you feel kind of important, but he's also going on Twitter and saying things that he -- if he knows you like him -- *has to know* will wound you, even in a small way. If, while talking to you, he's still lamenting not having enough of a certain type of girl -- he either thinks you're not what he's looking for, or he's looking for more than one of you. Either is disrespectful.

If you read the book "he's just not that into you," you'll find exactly this scenario in one of the chapters, with the end result being "he's just not that into you."

Which is fine, really, because by virtue of not being into you, he's given you all you need to know to not be into him. I mean, when you picture yourself dating someone - he likes you back, right? And this guy doesn't, or at least not enough. Find another guy.

Fair warning: when you do, the guy you're with now will either start being extra super nice and extra super willing to commit, or he'll be snarky and jealous. Or anything else that might make you think he's into you. Whenever he does, I want you to notice(and definitely take into account) how easy it suddenly is for him to show you he cares, and and I want you to think about all the time and energy you've spent thinking about him, all the time you've spent telling him how you feel and who you are (even things apart from liking him). Then realize that he didn't do those easy things because he *chose* not to -- you showed him who you are, and he said "not worth it."

Which isn't exactly Grade A Boyfriend Behavior. It's not even Grade A Friend Behavior. I don't claim to know who you are, but I know you shouldn't think so little of yourself that you're willing to sit around eating scraps when it's absolutely possible to have something fresh, better tasting, and better for you. This guy isn't into you? No big deal. He's just one color of paint. You've got a whole spectrum of other colors around you all the time. Especially in college.