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Increasing Shirt Sales on SpreadShirt? - Printable Version

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Increasing Shirt Sales on SpreadShirt? - TLH - 01-22-2013 06:15 PM

I currently have $42 dollars in revenue by only 3 customers in the past few months. I constantly post on twitter and tumble about it and get tons of views, but never a decent amount of sales.

Any help?

- Jake - 01-22-2013 06:23 PM

There are some 87 million pages just on spreadshirt and several more sites like it, that's a lot of competition to deal with, most paid advertising is probably too costly, I would at least make a gallery style blog that could attract some search traffic, you might show lots of designs, not just yours in order to raise the site ranking, candid on the street shots would not look so much like competing products, could show your stuff as a site sponsor. A Facebook business page makes sense too.