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invasion of privacy? PLEASE HELP!!? - Printable Version

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invasion of privacy? PLEASE HELP!!? - Sydney - 01-22-2013 07:03 PM

ok so im 15 and i live with my stepmom and dad, my dad basically trusts everything i do and never was into my buisness. I've lived with my stepmom and dad for about 4 years now. My stepmom goes through my drawers, monitors the numbers of people and the time i texted them, monitors the music i have on my ipod, tracks my phone, goes through my entire phone when she takes it away(usually finds a reason to take it away because she always assumes im up to something), and i recently made a new group of friends and she made me write down all their names and looked them up on facebook and twitter. She saw some pics of them drinking and what not. So now i cant hangout with any of my new friends(they are not bad kids, i promise). Also whenever i go places she needs to talk to the parents and know the address of where im going, otherwise she will track my phone. Is this an invasion of privacy? it really neccessay to do all this?

Also when she does this my dad and her fight and argue very badly because my dad thinks i need privacy....she continues to do this anyways. She also gives me teriible anxiety because im always so afraid she is going to find something bad of mine. (i really have nothing to hide but ocasionally she will catch me doing something, nothing even bad) This causes huge problems between my relationship with my dad and her. I NEVER TALK TO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, BECUASE THEY WIL JUDGE ME HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- abraXus - 01-22-2013 07:11 PM

you are only 15 - you have no legal privacy rights until you are 18 - your parents are responsible for your actions until you turn 18

- Max - 01-22-2013 07:11 PM

This is a huge invasion of your privacy and is defiantly not necessary. The difficulty here is that your step mum believes that what she's doing is right. If you have never been caught causing trouble then there is no reason for her behavior other than an irrational fear for your safety or, she is trying to make your life miserable (the first is much more likely). I would suggest that you talk with your Dad (if you haven't already) and tell him how uncomfortable the situation is making you. If that does not change anything I would tell her to stop the relentless invasion of your privacy and if it carries on buy a lock for your door. Confronting people is always hard but by standing up for yourself you will hopefully prove to your step Mum that you are mature enough to live your own life. I hope this helps.

- JJ - 01-22-2013 07:11 PM

I think it's unfortunate you've got such a helicopter mom going on there. You should talk to your dad about it, and talk to your stepmom about it. Express how it makes you feel when she invades your privacy.
I would probably stop using my phone. That way she can't track you or use it to spy on your friends.