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Should I believe what I see on twitter? - Printable Version

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Should I believe what I see on twitter? - dizzyd416 - 10-11-2012 08:17 PM

My boyfriend has one girl in particular who he flirts with on his twitter. I've confronted him about it, and he says nothing is going on and twitter is just for people to randomly say whatever they want with no meaning. I told him I didn't like it and he has stopped. Sometimes I check the pages of the girl that he was flirting w/ and she has pictures up that looks like she is at my bf house. Never a picture of her and him, just pics of meals that he cooked etc. But, from the pic, I know that it is his place. How should I handle this? I had began looking at his twitter just randomly, but because of the flirting I look more often. I don't want him to think I'm crazy or stalking him; but I feel unsettled like something is going on. What should I do?

- Miss - 10-11-2012 08:25 PM

He's your boyfriend, correct? So you should be able to talk to him about it. I tell my boyfriend everything that I have on my mind when something is bothering me, and he talks with me about it till it's better. You need to tell him it bothers you and everything on your mind about it. Nothing will get better if you don't voice how you feel.

- faintwriter857 - 10-11-2012 08:25 PM

If it was just a random girl he didn't know in real life I would think it as fine as people often use Twitter for roleplay like this for fun. But seeing as she has pictures at his house you should confront him, if he refuses to speak or denies it then something is going wrong and you should end it.
Sorry Sad