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Does the democratic party believe in darwism, the strong shall survive in free market? - Printable Version

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Does the democratic party believe in darwism, the strong shall survive in free market? - Green - 01-22-2013 08:40 PM

- Amanda - 01-22-2013 08:48 PM

You are confusing darwinism and social darwinism, two completely different ideas.

- SadMitt - 01-22-2013 08:48 PM

Assuming you meant to type "Darwinism" (rather than "darwism"), survival in a free market would be Social Darwinism, not Darwinism....and Social Darwinism has no basis in fact...

- Alex - 01-22-2013 08:48 PM

Assuming you're referring to the old idea of Social Darwinism, I would say that Democrats understand the concept, yet the concept is not applicable to their societal worldview. Rather than seeing the economy as a collection of individuals all pursuing survival, Democrats conceptualize the world as one organism made up of many parts. Social Darwinism suggests that if one company dies, another stronger one will take it's place. A liberal Democrat would argue that if one company fails, another may rise up, yet the loss of the one company will hurt people and companies within one organism that we all exist in.

Therefore, people should not be competing in a dog-eat-dog world, but rather working together to protect the world that we all live in.

- Mark - 01-22-2013 08:48 PM

If you mean by letting GM and Chrysler go bankrupt, then no.