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Is there any historical evidence that free market capitalism works? - Printable Version

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Is there any historical evidence that free market capitalism works? - Jasmin finnigan - 01-22-2013 11:03 PM

Obviously all capitalism is somewhat free market but I mean properly free, the way the far-right dream things should be with no public schools and privatized social security.
scott b: If it isn't capitalism without any regulations or state ownership of companies then what is it?
Aegis of Freedom: Fucking up the entire third world in the process does not count as 'working'.

- scott b - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

"the way the far-right dream things should be with no public schools and privatized social security."

Great....another right-winger that has NO clue what "free market capitalism" actually IS, but has no problem making light of it.

- Meg - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

What are you trying to say. As a liberal are you having trouble finding something good to say about your illegal in the white house?

- Aegis of Freedom - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

See American History 1798 - 1930

- Divi filius - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

Where has any conservative said what you claim, what a

- WRG - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

No intelligent person thinks that all school in the US should be private. That is only at the very fringe would consider that. As far as privatized social security it would have worked very well for a great majority of the citizens during all of the 20th century.

America went from a colony of the British to the most powerful nation on earth between in about 200 years the vast majority of that time there was very little federal mucking about with the economy.

- Rock - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

If what you are saying is a market with no regulation whatsoever then no it would not work. Too much government is bad, but a proper balance of what government does is necessary.

- Condor97 - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

Did your school teach you to write your last name without capitalization?

And no, because it's never been attempted at that level.

But it is historically proven time and time again that socialism and communism will always fail if there isn't a free market somewhere else supporting them.

- NJ100 - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

When you're talking about "far left" or "far right" or any EXTREME view, they are generally wrong.

- SOWingSEAson - 01-22-2013 11:11 PM

The best example would be after the Civil War, during Reconstruction, or during the Industrial Revolution, before the days of corporatism.