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Laptop stolen, how to protect Facebook/Twitter left logged in? - Printable Version

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Laptop stolen, how to protect Facebook/Twitter left logged in? - Brittany Bryant - 01-23-2013 07:38 AM

My laptop was recently stolen, and I leave my Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/YouTube all logged in. How can I prevent the thief from getting onto my accounts and using them?

- Damon K - 01-23-2013 07:46 AM

If I stole a laptop, my first instinct wouldn't be to access someone else's social websites. They wouldn't hold any information which would prove of much use, other than perhaps date of birth and address.

I'm not 100% sure, but I would imagine logging into all of those accounts, then changing the passwords as soon as possible would help sort at least 2 of the accounts. As for Facebook, if you've not already done so, you can change the security settings to only allow access to your account using login approvals. Obviously if you have done this, then it won't help matters.

The only completely sure way to stop anyone else having access to your accounts would be to deactivate all of them, then make new ones. Of course, it's not the best option, but might be the only one available to you.

On a side note, sorry to hear your laptop was stolen. That sucks, and I'd be devastated if I lost mine!

- Andy - 01-23-2013 07:46 AM

Go to facebook, twitter, ect and change your account passwords :-)

-and your seller may be able to track the laptop