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My huawei mercury from cricket has slowed for some reason. at first it was fast ? - Printable Version

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My huawei mercury from cricket has slowed for some reason. at first it was fast ? - Danthony - 01-23-2013 09:01 AM

The downloads and internet are really slow I download a lot of stuff like themes and games from places other than the market.I recently went through and deleted a lot of things but it is still slow. I noticed the speed change after I left from a wifi signal and back to my regular 3g network. I would like to know why is it going so slow and how to fix it.

- Jarod Leon - 01-23-2013 09:09 AM

Well, I'm going to be honest, that tablet was rubbish at the get go, so the fact it worked at all is bonus points to me.

On a more serious note if you download from non android market areas you could of caught a virus as androids can be hijacked with viruses just like PC computers.

If not that than I would just blame shoddy production and low end hardware. There is a reason those companies make super cheap tablets and haven't gone bankrupt, they use cheap parts to make a profit.

- byno - 01-23-2013 09:09 AM

First off, the Huawei Mercury isn't a tablet, but a phone. That may be where some of the confusion could be stemming from with this answer. Second, you CAN catch a virus with any Android device, however, that is very unlikely.

I think in order to properly answer this question, I would need to ask you: "Are you referring to network speed, as in download, or general phone speed with opening apps and moving through the menus?"

If you are referring to network speed, it could be you have reached the 1gb data cap for Cricket's 3G network. I have done this myself and all that happens is they "throttle", or slow down, your internet connection from about 550kb/s to anywhere from 50-150kb/s until the beginning of your next billing cycle, which is typically somewhere at the beginning of the month. To tell the truth, it's not all that hard to do. Especially if you stream music through Pandora or Google Music, then add all the files (themes, games, etc.) that you download. Finally, there's the data used by just visiting a web page. It's usually not a whole lot, but that does add up over time.

If you are referring to the general responsiveness of your phone while navigating and opening apps, this can happen over time, and it's not always a virus. In fact, I would say that's the least likely problem. I'm going to list some tricks below for you to speed up your Mercury and, hopefully, rid you of your problem.

1. Move any applications whose widgets you are not currently using to the micro-SD card. To do this, open Settings>Applications>Manage Applications, then select the "On SD card" tab. This will show you a list of all the apps you've downloaded, with ones stored on the SD card indicated by checked boxes on the right. Any apps not on the SD card will not have a checkmark in the box. To move the app to the SD card, select the app and you will see a page with a few options: "Force Stop", "Uninstall", "Clear Data", "Move to SD card" or "Move to phone", etc. Select "Move to SD card" to, well, move the app to the SD card lol.
- If an app is not on the SD card, it is stored on the phone's internal memory. If you have a lot of apps on the internal memory, this can DRAMATICALLY reduce the performance of your phone.
- The Android system allows any app NOT on the SD card to use widgets, but if the app is on the SD card, it cannot use widgets. If you're not using the widget for, say, Facebook, move it to the SD card.

2. Use a lightweight homescreen launcher
- There are many of these, but my favorite is Launcher Pro. It's free and has many options for customizing your homescreens and is very lightweight, but there are others. ADW launcher, GO launcher, and ZEAM, just to name a few. There is a LOT of information associated with this, so I'm going to request that you do a Google (or Yahoo!) search for more info. Just search "android launcher" and investigate. You'll be pleased with what you find.

3. Remove unnecessary widgets from your homescreens
- To put it simply, if you don't need the weather AND the news in widget form, remove one. Only put the widgets you absolutely need (or love) on your homescreens. Widgets make your phone work harder to load them, which consequently slows it down.

Three simple tips which should speed up your phone and make your life better. If you have any more questions, feel free to post them. I will be happy to help. Sorry for the really, really long post, just bored and stumbled across someone needing an answer and getting the usual troll 8U115H!7, so I figured I'd clarify and actually ANSWER your question lol.

Google is your friend with all the connections, so use him!