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Clothing brand names...? - Printable Version

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Clothing brand names...? - Swa - 01-23-2013 09:24 AM

We're a new clothing brand from the UK, making teen clothing for girls and guys.
Our ranges are going to be mainly street/urban/casual clothes with a few things on the side.
We have funding and all that (we're becoming part of topshop in 2014!), but we're currently choosing names.
Our manager wants to know which is better:
1. Swag Is Me
2. Clad
were thinking of putting a hashtag somewhere in there too

These are our current logos:

please leave advice, suggestions etc.
and your age and gender

- x - 01-23-2013 09:32 AM

Swag is me sounds so stupid
I like the name Clad better but the logos aren't that great

teenager, girl

- Tiffany Roberson - 01-23-2013 09:32 AM

You can use Sea but Change the phrase...

- Megan - 01-23-2013 09:32 AM

I like #1 swag is me, but you could make the hashtag at the beginning or by me, or just put it all together like #SwagIsMe, just my ideas. Btw, I'm 13 and a girl Smile

- 97 - 01-23-2013 09:32 AM

Honestly, i don't like either names but IF i have to choose it would be ''clad'' but both names aren't really good ... sorry :/

And about the logos they are toooo plain and just straight out boring. There isn't ANY creativtiy too it. YOu should make it more brighter, attractive colours and make the font more funkier and stylish etc. And the callout box idea...well its a reasonably good idea however u could improve on it by varying the shape and maybe giving it swirly lines around the edges or something of that nature.

You could make the callout box something similar to this:

For the brand names sorry can't help there cz i suck and tht stuff. But im good with art (creative) and i assume i know what im talking about. Tongue

Anyways, Hope you like some of my suggestions. Hope you guys cud reply bck and tell me wht your think of them. Smile Best of Luck with you Brand! - can't wait to see your clothing line, i love shopping at Topshop. Smile

- Hollie - 01-23-2013 09:32 AM

I like both of the names but i think that both logos are a bit complicated, maybe try and just have #Clad or #SwagIsMe because it's more simple and easier to readSmile btw im a teen girl so i would know!