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Will I ever get a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Will I ever get a girlfriend? - Red Arrow - 01-23-2013 10:03 AM

I really like this girl from high school who doesn't know me and I haven't seen her in a year I really want to be in a relationship with her but we haven't seen each other in a year. What I know about her is we come from similar family backgrounds because were both Mexican, we like the same music which is rock and it's hard to find someone who likes bands like Three days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Avenge Sevenfold. She also likes nerdy things like me like superheros. I know this because I used to see her ware shirts of these things at school. What I like about this girl is she doesn't ware make up that much doesn't care how she looks and looks like a very nice down to earth girl. People say I should move on but this girl is my soul mate. I'm not looking for sex I just want to go out with her on dates and be in a relationship with her really bad. I'm tired of looking at other couples and dreaming one day that will be me and her when it probably won't because what are the odds. I don't want to give up hope of me and her being together. I want to be friends first so she could get to know me and I get to know her. I'm a decent looking guy I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, and have sex with random girls because I believe in having sex with someone you love and if this girl was saving herself then I wouldn't care I would still want to be with her. I don't want anyone else but her. I really want to be with her in 2013 but how can she meet me and I meet her were not in high school anymore and we live in the same city.

- tsopolly - 01-23-2013 10:11 AM

The only way to make it happen is to take a risk. If there is a concert coming to town that you know you would both like or a superhero convention or something, ask her to go with you. Just say, "Hey, I remembered that you like ________, and they will be in town. If I buy tickets, do yu want to go?" HOWEVER, don't go crazy - she may not be the perfect person that you imagine, so let things happen as they are supposed to.

- lisa - 01-23-2013 10:11 AM

Hey! You seem like a very nice guy, and you seem like you really like her so let me see if i can help you. Are you friends with her on Facebook/Twitter? Just try messaging her a simple "Hey" and see if she responds. You never know she might have the same feelings towards you! Just simply get to know her over the internet and once you guys are comfortable just say "Hey, wanna go to the mall or sumthin?" See where things lead to. If she doesn't like you like that, just think about as "closure" Just remember your Perfect Princess is out there somewhere. Don't worry you'll be fine. Any girl would be lucky to be in a relationship as nice as you. Good Luck, and Have Fun!

- Stacie - 01-23-2013 10:11 AM

Ok dude you are basically reading a book here and. Your only reading the end where ther is the happily ever after now what you need to do is start from thw beginning and take a chance. Ask her if she would want to go get coffee one day or go out to lunch. Take the chance so good things can happen