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Why is my boyfriend so addicted to Facebook and Twitter? - Printable Version

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Why is my boyfriend so addicted to Facebook and Twitter? - gypsyism - 10-11-2012 08:36 PM

I have never seen someone on these websites as much as him. As soon as he wakes up it's straight to his phone to check FB and Twitter, along with posting updates. He updates several times throughout the day and is always checking it. When he's on it, it's like I don't even exist, he just disappears into his little virtual dream world. I think it's so stupid. I mean I get on there periodically, I very rarely post updates, and I definitely never get on when I'm with him. RUDE! I just don't understand why some people are so interested in what everyone else is doing, and posting stupid updates that very few people even care to read. As much as I'd love to read a play by play of your day, some silly lyrics, or your daily b*tchings, IM SO GOOD. Why is he so addicted? Does he just crave a lot of attention or what? How do I get him to chill out? bugs the crap out of me!!

- Becky B. - 10-11-2012 08:44 PM

Maybe you should ask him yourself why he's so addicted. He probably doesn't even know it's bothering you...

- Googlybear - 10-11-2012 08:44 PM

your answer is in your question.

it is an addiction. you do something simple (post something) and get a reward (attention). it's also a stage. you do have a relatively captive audience.

it's just a phase. been there, done that. i kicked the habit in only four years!

good luck, hon

- Momo - 10-11-2012 08:44 PM

Things like facebook and twitter can become very additive. I'm on facebook a lot like he is. I love it and I love talking to my friends on there. That's my reason. Talk to him and let him know that facebook and twitter are getting in the way of the relationship and its really bothering you. If he really cares then he will try to let go of his addiction to keep you.