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Why hang around when I am clearly not wanted? - Printable Version

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Why hang around when I am clearly not wanted? - Harmony - 01-23-2013 11:54 AM

I used to support a singer on his facebook fan page. I showed him a lot of support but other fans abused me for it. I have done nothing wrong and I know they are fanatical but now I refuse to even hang around facebook. People are cruel and unfriendly. Even so called friends I know are different behind a screen.

- girly. - 01-23-2013 12:02 PM

well maybe u should give a little more detail as to whom you supported lol what if its a bad dude & no one likes him except for u then i guess i can kinda see were theyre coming from anyways sorry for no help but i hope everything work out& dont let them push u around!

- InfS - 01-23-2013 12:02 PM

Just don't go to the fan page anymore? Why does it even matter to you so much. Artists practically never even looks at their page, just some marketing person/team that gets paid to do it.

- BILL - 01-23-2013 12:02 PM

Facebook isn't real - it's virtual. Try living in the real world instead of a cyber world. I promise you it's much more rewarding.