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How to quit an addicting Internet game? - Printable Version

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How to quit an addicting Internet game? - Damon - 01-23-2013 11:56 AM

I'm addicted to this online game called maplestory. I'm a notorious troll and scammer on it and I love the fame I have on there and I uninstalled it today but I feel like going on right now. Any tips? I'm 20 need to move on with life.

- Nicholas - 01-23-2013 12:04 PM

it easier if you just get rid of the computer. that's what I had to do and I still miss WoW like hell but im 3 years sober now I think im done.

- BatFink - 01-23-2013 12:04 PM

Find a girlfriend. Or boyfriend - if that's your preference

- fawdown - 01-23-2013 12:04 PM

Just stop. close your eyes and see the face of the enemy. It's 10 years from now. you are 50 lbs heavier or more. Borderline diabetic. A few friends who have other friends because your always online. Not dating, etc.

20 years from now...90 lbs overweight, diabetic, seasoned from a few failed relationships recently. Trying to compensate by drinking diet coke during your gaming marathons, not knowing that it's worse for you than sugar soda. It's tuesday and you last showered Friday. You can't now because your friends are online. It's raid time and your preparing.

This does happen often. Will it happen to you? You decide.

- Joseph - 01-23-2013 12:04 PM

don't believe faw whatever thats a load of crap..
anyways for your gamming addiction,
all you need is to get away from the computer for a couple of weeks,
its just the withdraw, after 3-5 weeks its fine, make your friends come over and pull your ass out.of the house,
if you need fb/twitter/youtube. use your phone.
start playing various games instead of just one, or get different hobbies (typically near gaming for best work, if u jump into something completely different your not going to get interested as easily)