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How do i start my own network marketing business? - Printable Version

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How do i start my own network marketing business? - Alex - 01-23-2013 02:22 PM

How do i start my own network marketing Business where do i begin?

- Aaron Decker - 01-23-2013 02:30 PM

That is a great question Alex. Where do you start, well first you want to figure out what it is you are interested in. What I mean is are you into gold and silver, health, services (cell phones, tv etc.) there are many more categories that represent the network marketing industry. If you need help or have certain questions feel free to contact me and I will help you.

Aaron Decker

- Zarg222 - 01-23-2013 02:30 PM

you have to come up with a product or service and become successful selling it your self before you can try and convince anyone else to sell it

it have to have high profit margins, so you can pay down several levels and it has to be something kind of unique or new or no one will be interested

then you have to write up a company procedure manual and be able to train other people and train people to be trainers

then you have to get expensive software that will keep track of everyone's downlines, sales, commissions, bonuses, etc

it's not going to be quick or cheap

- JP - 01-23-2013 02:30 PM

Hi Alex,

From the above answers, it seems that there are two ways of interpreting the question.

If you are seeking to be a DISTRIBUTOR for a Network Marketing company, I would visit John Counsel (the author) has tons of Network Marketing experience both from the perspective of a distributor and the perspective of company management. is a perfect resource for someone who it interested in starting a network marketing business. Counsel leaves very few stones unturned.

If you are looking to start your own Network Marketing company, I would check out Jeff Babener has tons of information on that page (LOTS of it is FREE!), and as a legal advisor to many Network Marketing companies he is very qualified on such issues.

Hope this helps!

JP Sloan

- amy Rogers - 01-23-2013 02:30 PM

Here is some ideas i can share in starting your own network marketing business one Think about your product,your service is related to your target market ,second is finding your way to compare yourself to other network marketers.

- Angela Carter - 01-23-2013 02:30 PM

The biggest advice I can give you that helped me recruit 2 people in 6 days from my cold market into my business and that helped me hit the first rank in my company in 30 days after struggling in my business for 6 months, is to develop a business and marketing blueprint for your business. Here is what I mean by this:

1) First, come up with a gameplan for the next 30 days in your business. I can help coach you on how to do this but first set a goal for the next 30 days in your business. The goal can be to recruit 2 reps into your business for your right leg.
2) Next, you need to know your numbers. Network marketing is a numbers game. The more people you talk to and expose your business to, the more successful you will be. You have to know how many people you need to get in front of everyday in order to find the marketing strategies that can help you get in front of that many people. Knowing your numbers is key! So here is how you come up with your numbers. To sponsor, 2 reps in the next 30 days in your business, here are the numbers that you will need:

Monthly Goals:
-20 presentations/month: To sponsor 2 reps, you need to get your business presentation in front of at LEAST 20 people in the next month. You need to book 20 appointments. You need to get 20 people to book an appointment with you to see your company presentation. I used a facebook marketing strategy that had people book an appointment directly with me using a free online calendar system, that way I only talked to people who were serious about the opportunity. How did I come up with 20 presentations? In this industry, it has been said that when you are approaching your cold market, you should have at least a 10%closing ratio, which means for every 10 people you get in front of a presentation, you should be able to sign up 1 person into your business. So I took the number of people you want to sponsor a month (2) and multiplied by 10 and got 20. Hope that makes sense.
-Talk to 80 people/month: You need to talk to at least 80 people a month in order to get 20 people in front of your presentation. The mistake I see a lot of network marketers make is not talking to enough people. A great book to read is: Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell. Yarnell is a millionaire in the industry and he mentioned that if you are doing your business full-time you need to talk to at least 30 people/day. How did I come up with 80 people/month? Not everyone you approach about booking an appointment to watch your presentation will be interested, what I have seen inside of the industry and from personal experience is that 1 out of 4 people who you approach should be open to looking at your opportunity. So I took 20 presentations a month and multiplied it by 4. Hope this makes sense.

Weekly Goals:
To get your weekly goals, just take your 2 numbers above and divide by 4.
-Presentations:5 presentations/week: So you need to get 5 people in front of a presentation every week. Book 5 appointments every week
-Contact: 80 contacts/4= 20 people/week. Ask 20 people a week if they would be interested in viewing your business opportunity.

Daily Goals:
To get your daily goals, just take your 2 weekly goals above and divide it by the number of days you are doing your business. So if you are working on your business 5 days a week then,
-Presentations: 1 presentation/day. You need to book an appointment with 1 person a day and get them in front of a presentation
-Contact: 20 contacts/5 days: 4 people/day. You need to approach 4 people a day

Marketing Blueprint:
Now to figure out what marketing strategies you are going to use to contact this many people a day (4 people/day), you need to look at your marketing budget, your skills, and the amount of time you have to work your business each week. Here is a chart of active and passive marketing strategies that you can choose from:

-Active Offline: cold calling, meetup groups, networking events, situational prospecting, voicemail broadcasting
-Active Online: facebook, linkedin, twitter, myspace, resume mining
-Passive Offline: post it notes (really cool strategy), Bandit Signs, Drop Cards
-Passive Online: Facebook payperclick, Google payperclick, Craigslist, Backpage, Article Marketing, Blogging, Video Marketing

What you want to do is focus on at least 2 active strategies and 1 passive strategy. Devote most of your time on active strategies. If you want access to some free training on most of these strategies, feel free to send me an email ( and I can give you access to my free training site.

Hope this helps! Just make sure to track your results everyday and make sure that you hit your daily, weekly, and monthly numbers and you WILL see results