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Why do Liberals claim the tweets of the N-word during Obamas Newtown, CT speech had anything to do with race? - Printable Version

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Why do Liberals claim the tweets of the N-word during Obamas Newtown, CT speech had anything to do with race? - The Rightwing Conservative - 01-23-2013 02:25 PM

When Obama interrupted our football games on Sunday to give a speech in Newton, Connecticut, many Conservative Patriots took to Twitter to express their dismay.

Now Liberals claim that the tweets calling Obama the N-word had anything to do with race.

Why do Liberals claim it was racial, when they only called him the N-word because they disagree with his policies?

- Dynamicaction626 - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

**** that ****** blocking my ******* TV screen. It's time to secede.
I do not see race.

- Kenneth - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

Obama is black. Nigger is offensive to black people. I'm pretty sure they're using it as an offense in this case. Nigger ONLY applies to black people, and calling him Nigger is therefore because he's black. It's like calling an asian a Gook or a Chink, ur saying it because of their race.

- eagerstranger866 - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

I imagine he said "Newtown" a few times. I don't think anyone cares about that particular "N" word.

- Apathy Kat® - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

I don't wan no nigra on ma SCAREEEN!

That wasn't rayciizt.


- Dave - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

This is news to you? I suggest you read the times of India if you are unaware of the injustice around the world.

- sweets - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

The media interrupted "your" football games. This has nothing to do with 'liberal".

- abx - 01-23-2013 02:33 PM

If you were to go up to a random African American on the street then obviously calling them the N word would be considered racist. If you use a racially charged word it is racism. You cannot deny that some people are inherently racist. Our society as a whole is racist. Why do we have black history month and not white history month? Because according our common society white history month would be racist. Using the N word is offensive and should not be used to describe anyone(trashy rappers and such excluded from all of this because they use it on themselves). In the same breath if someone were to use a racially charged word like cracker or beaner or yellow man(whatever your race is) it would be racist. Wether or not you agree with the president or his policies, he is the president, and no one deserves to be treated with that amount of disrespect. I am republican but I do not believe the use of that word is appropriate and is in fact, racist.