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Why do people wear a rubber band on their wrists? - Printable Version

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Why do people wear a rubber band on their wrists? - EmilyJade x - 01-23-2013 04:42 PM

i have seen lots of people on tumblr and twitter wearing a rubber band on their wrist, some of the pictures so them pinging the band against their skin.
why do they do this? is it something to do with self-harming?

- Joseph - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

Probably not.

I tend to do it at work, just because I usually end up with elastic bands hanging around, and my wrist is a handy place to keep them. Plus, they don't half come in handy!

(Although, I'm not on tumblr or twitter, so I have no idea if there's something else going on...).

- Chrisoula - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

maybe they think it looks cool?

- Jesus - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

Probably, some wear them because they want to. Mostly if it's people like emo ones then yes they use wrist bands to hide their wounds.

- James - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

I think it is to remind them of something.Or it could be to bring them into the present and by that I mean if they are having a memory or a flashback they would snap the rubber band against their skin to bring them into reality.

- Emery - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

Some moms do it so they can flick their kids when they don't listen...

- Kim - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

Some do it cuz so they feel insecure they have something to fiddle with

- Lucas - 01-23-2013 04:50 PM

Some people do this to relieve stress. Some do this to support things like breast cancer or hispanic or black american history months. Some do this to remind them of something. Sometimes peole ware bands with scriptures written on them. Some times the rubber bands represents sexual types of acts people have done or will do based on color coating. Hope this helps.