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WHY do people want everyone to "follow" them on Twitter / Face book? - Printable Version

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WHY do people want everyone to "follow" them on Twitter / Face book? - Shoes - 10-11-2012 08:44 PM


What's the point?

What's all that about??!

Its a bit like yahoo points! They don't mean anything in real life!

Why do people want a million + followers on twitter or want millions of people poking or connecting (or what ever its called!) on Face Book?!

Honestly, who cares? And more the point.... WHY?

- Slim Jim - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

because people look for any excuse to turn life into a popularity contest

- Anthony - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

because they have no lives people to sign up-to sns's are sad people

- Kim Street - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

It's called socialising..

- glenn123 - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

I appreciate my contacts on here...hiya...and on other sites. But you're right; it doesn't change anything with imaginary points. But what matters is now....the moment we have right now. If all they care about is numbers, then they will never win. We tend to tone down ourselves with an increase in 'friends'. 'Some' friends; kinda goes against the meaning of the word in some ways, in my opinion. It takes everything personal out of it and reduces it to a statistic. A friend, to me, can be real or virtual. It's the amount of time you've spent with them and the things you shared that's important....and helps define the word better.

- cooingmice863 - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

I don't understand it either..
That's one of the reasons I don't have Facebook nor Twitter. All of my friends have it and find it weird that I haven't got it.. But I'm never going to make an account. I don't want complete strangers having a sneak peek at my life, go through my online friends to see how popular I am, take a look at my pictures to rate me.. The people that are important in my life, will find the time to come over and meet me face to face.

I compare it with high school.. They feel the need to be popular, they need acceptance of others, they want to know what's going on, start drama, have some kind of control over others..

I use Y!A because I get something out of it.. Other perspectives.. It's a great place to share knowledge..

- Madam X - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

Not me! I gave up Facebook. Why do I need to know what people I barely knew in high school ate for lunch? I didn't care in 1978-why do they think I'd care today?

Facebook needs to be renamed Barfbook. Its sorta sad, in a way, that people think it's 'normal'. Um, no it's not? Thinking for ourselves as we grow up-USED to be normal. Facebook extends adolescence- and thats from my experience seeing how people who OUGHT to have matured doing everything BUT-and crawling on their 48 year old bellies so 14 year olds will like them. BARRFFFFF!

- Doctor P - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

Computer methods to seek popularity.

- stella 10 - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

blowed if I know. I never saw anything so dull as facebook pages, so I haven't even glanced at twitter.

- Kendra - 10-11-2012 08:52 PM

Simple! They want to connect with lots of people. Most of those people are business people. They want all the prospects to follow them so that they'll be able to share with them their products and services and get sales. Make sense?