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How do I start a travel blog? - Printable Version

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How do I start a travel blog? - Abby - 01-24-2013 04:42 AM

Hi! I am a travel addict and would love to have my own travel blog. I have never had a blog though and don't really know where to start. Any advice is welcomed! I found loads of information on Google, but I would really love some advice from someone who has already done it or has some experience. Thank you!

- Lewis - 01-24-2013 04:50 AM

go the website
create an account, after that you can write your travel or any other blog.

- Frank - 01-24-2013 04:50 AM

How to Start a Travel Blog: 4 Easy Tips

1. How technical are you? Many casual bloggers start out with WordPress ( accounts, which let you start an account on their platform for free. These types of blogs allow you to choose a simple template that they host, meaning that your blog web address (URL) will contain the company's name in it (such as You can get this type of blog up and running in a matter of hours.

If you have grander plans for your blog, then you'll want to self-host, meaning that you'll need to choose a server to host all your content. You'll also need to buy your domain name (your web address) through a service such as ( Putting it all together takes some time -- and in my case, some technical assistance -- but if you want your blog to grow beyond your friends and family, it's the best choice.

"Setting up WordPress was challenging, but in the grand scheme of things, it only took an afternoon," says Alex Berger, who started VirtualWayfarer ( in 2007 to document his post-graduate European travels. "Anyone with an afternoon to invest should be able to get a functional site up."

2. How much do you want to spend? It's free to set up a blog hosted by Blogger or WordPress. A blog with your own URL (such as my blog, costs a little more. Registering a domain with GoDaddy runs about $12 to $20 a year, and a hosting package is about $7 or so per month.

Now comes the fun part: Making your blog look good. WordPress has many free themes available that are easy to use. If you want more customization, be prepared to pay for a premium theme; you can get a nice one for $35 to $100. When I started my travel blog, I also hired a designer since I planned to use Chris Around The World as a professional site. You won't need a web designer for a casual vacation blog.

3. How much time do you have? Blogging can become very time-consuming if you let it. Berger, who traveled solo for two months through Europe, wrote his posts when he was at an Internet café checking e-mail and Facebook. "The online time filled downtime I had and gave me a chance to relax a bit without feeling like I had to be out wandering the city," Berger says.

4. How much do you want to say? If a full-fledged blog sounds like too much work (and it can be), then a Tumblr ( account may be a better alternative. A cross between Twitter and a blog, Tumblr is a free service that lets you create an account where you can share photos, videos, posts, and more.

- Kavin - 01-24-2013 04:50 AM

If you're heading on an extended trip, sharing a few photos and status updates on Facebook might not be enough. A blog might be a good way to document your travels, especially if you're the creative type. Many of the web's most popular travel blogs started from a simple desire to share impressions from lengthy vacations or round-the-world trips. If you need some information about blog post writing service please visit

- Rosy - 01-24-2013 04:50 AM

open account with google and after go to blogspot com or thumlar com
sign in and write your post after your url of you blog submit to blog directory face book tweeter ect