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Andy Biersack and Louis Tomlinson buds? - Printable Version

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Andy Biersack and Louis Tomlinson buds? - Sweet Satisfaction - 01-24-2013 11:57 AM

Came across two images from Google with one being a screen-shot of Louis being followed by Andy on twitter and the second image containing the two men posing for a picture(though it could be photoshoped but it does seem very convincing.)

Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know if the two know each other(friends). If so, then I think that's pretty cool! :JJ

P.S. Not a fan of One Direction but I am a fan of Black Veil Brides!((:

Oh and just for fun(well mostly for the Polls and Survey), which group/band is your fave'? If so, what's/what are your favorite song(s)? Any specific reason? :oo

Mines: Black Veil Brides - "Perfect Weapons" and "Fallen Angels"! ^,^

Reasons: The sound, the lyrics, and Andy's voice! x3 Thanks!

@Katy & @SheepDog
All I did was ask if these two people knew each other due to those two images I came across. Really don't see why you guys are giving me sh*t for it...

- SheepDog - 01-24-2013 12:05 PM

*scratches head*


who did what now?

hmmm i wonder whos gonna get best answer

*looks for answers above me*

*looks for answers below me*

ill be checking my mail for best answer accompanied by a flattering comment

Katy... you just ruined everything for me... THANKS A LOT!

- Katy - 01-24-2013 12:05 PM

This question gave me cancer.

- Sheeran - 01-24-2013 12:05 PM

I have to go creep now!
Did Andy really follow Louis?
I'm a fan of both, so I'll have to go check this out!
If they do know one another, I'd freak out! Just saying! Ha.
I love BVB! And 1D!
My favorite would be well, those two.
My fav songs; Black Veil Brides; Fallen Angels and In the End!
Reasons; the lyrics and how the music sounds! The way Andy's voice sounds in both! Big Grin
One Direction; Change My Mind :3
Reasons; The way they're voices sound in the song!
My favorite songs change every once in a while aha.

I saw a picture, I'm not sure if it was the one you saw, but gah! Haha. It kind of looks photoshopped, but I'm not certain!
I saw it from @_rockmelouis on twitter!