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I don't like working in an office. How to discover what my strengths are and what to do that's not corporate. - Printable Version

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I don't like working in an office. How to discover what my strengths are and what to do that's not corporate. - wickeywickey - 01-24-2013 02:44 PM

I went from Illustrator, to Graphic Designer to Bartender doing freelance of both of those to Office Worker (thinking I could blend creative along with um... how to put office work - morosely BORING and SH!++@y) with design as part of the title. If you know office politics, this means that the 0pushiest marketing person with the worst graphic design skills gets the creative work and you dot i's and cross t's all the live long day. I am absolutely miserable. How to make a decent living and NOT work in an office? I think I am allergic to them, or at least their catty, closed minded, semi-retarded social dynamics. Help!

- shloopy3000 - 01-24-2013 02:52 PM

theres a bunch of web sites that do help with that

- big perm - 01-24-2013 02:52 PM

get a job with a company that is reputed to have a good work environment. the people you work with make all the difference.

- halestrm - 01-24-2013 02:52 PM

I am unsure why you went to office worker with design as part of the title unless you are at a bigger company. If that is the case then unfortunately you are stuck in an apprentice stage. With a good attitude, that maybe the best thing for you to gain the skills you will need to move up. Frequently the lower levels do paperwork in order to understand that it isn't all just creative and fun, it is a biz.

Trust me, working for yourself is not as easy as it may sound. First, the pay is rotten for the first little bit. Secondly, you have boring paperwork putting together a biz plan, finally, it is long hours and paperwork, paperwork paperwork, with no benifits. On the other hand, working for your self is very fulfilling if it works.

Try to go in with as good of an attitude every day. Decide you will learn at least one new thing every day.

Otherwise, you may want to research what is needed to get higher up the ladder of sucess in graphic design. What skills do you need? Find out, then get the skills so you can move up.

You can also post your resume on and other local sites. Put in the objective area that you are looking for a telecomute job (work from home). You may also want to check with your local unemployment office and the metro system to see if they can help. Metro maybe able to help because they will sometimes offer incentives to employers to keep people off of the roads.

Remember, the most important thing is attitude. You will take out of the experience what you bring to it.

- smileyassets - 01-24-2013 02:52 PM

Freelance, Do business of your own, Delegate to others Monitor and supervise and have party
Sound simple but running your own show is tough