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A girl cant decide between another guy and I? - Printable Version

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A girl cant decide between another guy and I? - Chad - 01-24-2013 04:13 PM

I've been talking to this girl for a couple weeks now. She told me last night that she thinks I am a very amazing guy but she also likes someone else that she was talking to before me. Obviously she got herself into this by starting to talk to me while she liked someone else still. She was stressed out cause she couldn't decided who she really wanted to be with. She has been saying a lot of stuff lately on her facebook and twitter about how "You just completely helped me make up my mind. Cya later. Asshole." I confronted her about her and she says its not about me.. Is there anything I can do or say.?

- YankeeDownUnder - 01-24-2013 04:21 PM

Clearly she's leading you on and a f..k head. Forget he