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How Can I Talk to May My Crush? - Michael D - 01-24-2013 04:41 PM

I am a freshman in a private high school. Each grade has about 100 kids in it, so everyone gets to know everyone, especially people in our grade. There's this girl. She's in my English and Biology. I think she's pretty and a rather good person. I know I have a real crush on her, because she can be all I think about. I don't talk to her a lot, though, only when we work together in a group, which doesn't happen often. It makes me upset that I don't talk to her, but I'm really shy and I overthink what might happen if I try to approach her. I think I have seen hints that suggest she could like me, like making eye contact or her and her friends talking and looking at me from a distance. But I'm probably blowing it out of proportion. I just recreated a Twitter account, and I found that she has one as well. I had a Twitter before, but I ran into girl trouble (a girl from another school) so I deleted it. I'm nervous to follow her, but I see plenty of my friends following people they rarely talk to. Then again, they're not in the situation I am. So, how can I talk to her more often and get her to like me? Should I follow her om Twitter? Other things? Thanks

- Indgrid - 01-24-2013 04:49 PM

Talk to her in person. Be her friend.

- Thunder Storm - 01-24-2013 04:49 PM

Always have confidence, even if you are shy. Think of who you are, and if your crush likes you the way you are, they'll accept you. Having confidence is one of the key steps to having excellent conversations with your crush. If you have zero confidence in yourself, it will show through your words and actions. Be proud of who you are!

Be yourself when you speak with your crush. Your crush may not like you if you pretend to be someone you're not. Plus, it gets tiring to have to put on an act every day. Your personality should shine through your words. Never be ashamed of who you are - don't try to hide yourself!

Conversations can be easily started with just a simple sentence. All it takes is bravery and confidence in yourself. If you're passing in the hallways, just try to get the courage to say hi and softly smile! There is nothing more powerful than a genuine, acknowledging smile. Eye contact is also very important in this step. If you have a crush on a girl, compliment their outfit or hair, but only if they appear confident about it. If it's obvious she's having a bad hair/outfit day, keep quiet and find another way to start a conversation.

If you have a crush on a guy, you might want to refrain from complimenting their appearance and focus on something they did. For example, you could say, "Hey, that presentation you did in class was great" or "You did great at yesterday's soccer game!". Things like this will boost their ego and make them feel great about themselves.

Have an interesting topic to talk about. Read some blogs or check the news. Read magazines, books, watch TV, have adventures, listen to different music, and watch different movies. If you expand your knowledge to a variety of topics, you'll have lots to talk about with your crush!

Don't lie when you talk to your crush. If he/she enjoys a hobby that you don't, refrain from lying and telling them you like it also well. Your crush will eventually discover the truth and their opinion of you will diminish a little or greatly.

Be nice. Never give your crush mean looks or anything to draw attention unless he/she knows you're joking with them. When you do tease or joke with them, make sure it's obvious and that you don't really mean it. However, too much teasing may lead to hurt feelings and a sour relationship! Keep your teasing to a minimum and light-hearted; tease them only about things you know that they won't mind. Keep away from touchy topics.

Break bad habits. If you have any bad habits while talking to your crush, you'll be at a downside. Try to be yourself, but refrain from cursing excessively, calling everything retarded, etc. Keep your conversations innocent, clean, but entertaining in a positive way.

After talking to crush a lot, finally come out with saying you like him/her, but don't say the exact line! Your line should be something like a hint, but big and clear enough that your crush will get the point and understand. Come up with something original: Try not to use "um" and "ah" too much. It will make your crush think that you're far too shy! When confessing your crush on them, let them know about it with confidence. Everyone likes someone with confidence - the more confidence, the better. However, be careful about having to much confidence!

"Hi, um, look, I think I might have feelings for you" will be good enough (see tips for more suggestions).

Refrain from sounding like you have practiced the line. One to three "um" or "ah" will make it sound more natural - stick them in appropriate places!

Have eye contact when you're telling your crush you like him/her. It will make you appear more confident and it makes you look bold!

If your crush likes you back, then ask him/her out! However, if your crush doesn't feel the same about you, it's fine. There are plenty of other fishes out in the sea. The right person is out there, waiting for you to come around the corner. If you never get past this event, you will never find your true love! Move on!

- AKing - 01-24-2013 04:49 PM

Look dude, you seem like a nice guy, but the kind of nice guy who will finish last unless you do something about it. About the twitter account, just follow her; you are completely over-thinking it, and if you look at i objectively, it might be useful to follow her on twitter or on face book because it might let you know what she's interested in without having to go talk to her directly because you're shy. However, you do need to go talk to her outside of a project to get to know her better; plus, maybe even ask her to study with you and a friend. Also, you sound like you're inexperienced with girls... sorry but it had to be said. You need to give yourself a slap in the face and stop blowing things out of proportion; I did that with my crush in seventh grade who was actually interested in me until I kept blowing things out of proportion and then she just lost interest because I could barely talk to her. Just because her friends talk about you might have nothing to do with you, and I look at people all the time. Calm down bro; think things through logically and you'll be fine if you keep your head