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Relationship help???????,,,,? - Printable Version

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Relationship help???????,,,,? - Jack - 01-24-2013 06:48 PM

Ok...I am crazy in love with this girl named Hannah. I think about her like every 30 sec. I am going mad. I don't see her a ton..just on Sundays at youthgroup. I have completely changed my clothing style...I have a pretty bad acne problem that's is improving.using the strongest cremes on the market and taking an antibiotics that is right below acutain. I am working out more than I ever have..(I already worked out a I am just doubling it) goal to have a 6 pack by march. So all these things seem cool to me....but what can I do to leave an impression..I want to kinda hint that I like her. Some indirect comments. Anything that just hints. I already have a plan for the final step after I get past this.. I feel like I am going to have a heart attack any time I talk to her. Just some other important info is... we are both 14 My parents don't let me have cellphones or facebook. (So texting her isn't an option) We see each other again on sunday. All advice welcomed. (
More details the better by the way

- Leslie - 01-24-2013 06:56 PM

I think any extra attention you give to her is a good sign. Talk to her, flirt with her. Make it pretty obvs you are aware she is there. You don't have to be blatantly obvious n creepy. Just give her a bit more attention than anyone else. She should get the hint.