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Should Yahoo users be held accountable for the comments they post? - Printable Version

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Should Yahoo users be held accountable for the comments they post? - Truth & Freedom - 01-24-2013 09:34 PM

We've seen people who post to twitter being held accountable for their posts and in some cases prosecuted for their vile racist filth. Should this also apply to people who post racist comments and promote hate crimes on Yahoo?

I'm not against free speech in any way but when someone exercising their 'free speech' results in others not having free speech and could be seen as incitement to commit crimes surely something has to be done.

There are currently many examples of this in the comments regarding the news story of the young Indian woman being raped, tortured and ultimately murdered. Brainless racists hijack the story to promote their vile views on race and on women seemingly with no moderation from Yahoo. Simply saying 'if you don't like it don't read it' is no answer, this 'looking away' contributed to the holocaust in WW2. It is now a crime to deny the holocaust not that this stops some of the extreme right-wing bigots. Should we put up with this continual outpouring of racist and sexist vomit on the comments boards.

I'd be interested to read Yahoo's view on this, especially as they should also be accountable for what they allow on their message boards
Bic Boi - Can you give a reason for your answer or is it just a knee jerk reaction with no intelligent reasoning behind it?
Kuku Kujoob - I'm aware of the difference between opinion and perpetrating hate and racism. I'm aware of the report function and the ToS and I have reported but when I report a post that clearly violates ToS & community guidelines nothing happens which seems to suggest either Yahoo is unmoderated or Yahoo are happy to proliferate this racist thought.

- Tin-God - 01-24-2013 09:42 PM

on the one hand I agree with you, but on the other I don't
yes with freedom of speech comes responsibility but is it not a good thing that some of these racists with their half baked ideas and notions to have there say and then be challenged on them.

- Kuku Kajoob ♫ - 01-24-2013 09:42 PM

There is a "report" user function above each post on news stories..
If no one uses it..then it continues
In essence then..yes, people are turning their backs to this..if they
dont report these people.

You cant report people just because their views might be different
Example..theyre pro life & your not.
Theyre against illegal immigration & your not etc etc
But vile racism & hatred or violence --making threats -endangerment
is a violation of Terms of Service agreement.
The TOS is on the bottom of this page. Be sure they are violating before
you report someone or you could be in trouble, as well.

The nature of the internet is for these hyenas aka trolls to post everywhere--.

PS.. just so you know..its a chatting violation on Y!A to talk back to people who answer
They arent still there anyway--so it serves no purpose. People answer then leave & dont return
There's over a billion questions on Y! people come & go quick
See the ABOUT tab for the guidelines

- Sharla - 01-24-2013 09:42 PM

I agree with you however Yahoo does have guidelines and some really fringin suck. This means people are allowed to ask what ever they want to. Now if enough people report as abuse Yahoo definetely removes that post I have seen it. I also have reported hate, violence and shear stupidity questions which we are aware that if you are 13 you could use this site and some of these posts are heinous. What happens and it has to me I dropped the F bomb as this person clearly wanted to find out how to kill dog I lost 10 points but idiot question remained figure that one out. I love my dogs but it is okay to post that. Sometimes Yahoo deletes because of that but this had been an extremely rare post how this person reported abuse but it was okay to post that question so yea people should be made accountable for their comments but Yahoo is stupid as they simply draw the line when they deem fit sad to say. I being Jewish have seen plenty of comments regarding what is going on in the Middle East people saying that the Israeli's should not be allowed any provitions or help what nobody realizes this is not just a war it is a passage way fight from Irag thru the Golan Heights which belongs to Israel that is what the fight is about. Iraq refusing as both intertwine thru each others land my G-d if people only understood may be they would be more careing and less hateful on both sides. I am not racist either helpless yes am unable to do anything. I hope I have given you a clearer picture