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he said he likes me, but what do i do now? - Printable Version

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he said he likes me, but what do i do now? - echo. - 10-11-2012 09:17 PM

so there is this guy i like, and he told me he likes me to and just before i saw he wrote something on his twitter about there not being enough of "" type of girls (he descried the type) as a twitter reply to a female friend after saying she was good looking and should have lots of boys whod like her, but she is a friend, so that didnt bother me when he said that too her. and then friend said something about finding them girls and he said he didnt think anyone would be that desperate to be with him. the thing is, he said he liked me and we arent together but a few weeks ago he said he wanted me as his gf (we have to wait to see each other cos im in another state right now so we havent had a chance to date) he said a few days ago he wanted to kiss me and he has for a long time, and other sweet things, calls me babe or beautiful. i mean he said this on a twitter and he doesnt know i seen it, so i dont wanna ask him about, how awkward ...just seeing him write that makes me think he doesnt like me and he wants THAT type of girl. today he said 'love you' to me. do you think he was just being a guy and that iam just being silly or what? dont know just feels like hes getting sick of me cos one day hes soo sweet to me and the next he doesnt speak, but my mate told me he probably does that because he doesn't want to seem clingy (and i know hes busy!) so what do you think? am i just over thinking this and freaking our for no reason? Smile im kinda new to guys and dating so i wouldn't know. help and sorry for making this long.
this is embarrassing but im not actually "young" exactly because ive just turned 20, but i never really wanted to date in my teen years, but ive started now.

- Julienne Mckenna - 10-11-2012 09:25 PM

A man finds himself seven years older the day after his marriage.
contains the answer to your main main issue

- Sara - 10-11-2012 09:25 PM

Hang out with him. Saying you like one another isnt enough. Actions are what guys look for. You guys sound young btws. Guys aren't too serious so pls don't get too attached just yet. Best of luck!

- Erik Hoff - 10-11-2012 09:25 PM

well he might not want to say anything to his friends since you two aren't dating yet. but he probably really does love you. He also said that he doesn't think anyone would be desperate enough to be with him,so he's technically turning down that offer if you think about it. remember, guys can joke a lot about these things so don't take everything to personally. just see how things go when you see him=)

Hope this helps, and try not to let all this get to your head ok?=)

- Miss Unique - 10-11-2012 09:25 PM

Your friend is right. He does have feelings for you but doesnt want to seem so clingy ..

- ezio - 10-11-2012 09:25 PM

i think he likes u but i think u r relying too much on twitter. but just be upfront with him and ask him out lol. also dnt thiink too much about what guys say on twitter facebook myspace or formspring or u will end up like my buddy and his gf bc she always says something and he thinks shes cheating or dumping him or sumone will say he is cheating or he likes someone else and she will dump him so dnt let tht happen to urself