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I cannot stop thinking about this girl, what do I do? - Printable Version

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I cannot stop thinking about this girl, what do I do? - Dudeguy - 01-25-2013 12:02 AM

This girl has been on my mind constantly for weeks now. I don't know her very well and there probably haven't been more than 30 words said between each of us but there is definitely something special about her and it's really starting to get to me. We have one class together 5 days a week, I look forward to that class because it's the one time I get to see her but at the same time I would not be able to bring myself to tell her directly that I like her or ask her for her number.

I find myself really wanting to get to know her and being curious what she does all day and just wanting to be around her. There has to be something special about her, I can't just be sitting here constantly thinking about this girl for weeks and weeks all to be told "Sorry, I don't like you like that" or something. My pessimism says that if I were to tell her I like her that is exactly what she would say. She is so damn cute and has a great personality from what I can tell and she's really smart and she drives me crazy.

I know the more I write the less likely it is to get answers so I'll stop it around here. I need to know what to do, I would like to get her number and start texting her so I can get to know her better and such but I don't want to text her if she doesn't want to text me. I could have my friend tell her I like her but I don't really think I want to do that, I'd rather get to know her over text for a while and eventually tell her I like her if it were to come to that. What I wrote here makes it sound much less significant than it is, I really, really like her a lot.

- Marie - 01-25-2013 12:10 AM

Get a grip of yourself. If you really like this girl, and you think there's really something special, Don't let anything pass by you. Go ask her number or something. Instead of being afraid at least at the end of the day you get to stay you tried and failed instead of regretting the stuff you never did.

- Tex J - 01-25-2013 12:10 AM

What men have done since the dawn of time: masturbate.

- Tom Watts - 01-25-2013 12:10 AM

Get to know her more Smile

- RandomGirl - 01-25-2013 12:10 AM

I'm a girl. I'm pretty sure that as a girl too, she would really find it cute if you spoke to her. If you don't have the courage, then Facebook or Twitter her. That happened to me, a guy just said 'hey' to me over Facebook and now we're really tight. Just go for it. What's the worst that could happen?Smile